
来源 :四川音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keremslr
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《金秋的风》这首歌。原曲情绪比较明快、开朗、曲调也较抒情,民族风格较浓郁。但作为二段式的歌曲,主要问题是第二段旋律处理不当:较为零乱,不够顺畅,缺乏层次。现修改为另稿,供作、读者参考。修改意见如下: ①“秋光更比春光美,秋色更比春色浓”两句,基本上保留原曲,但两句的落音作了更替处理。因为这两句属对称型结构,第二句落在“5”音上为好(此处的 “Autumn Wind” song. The original song is more cheerful mood, cheerful, melody is more lyrical, more ethnic style. However, as a two-stage song, the main problem is the improper handling of the melody of the second paragraph: relatively messy, not smooth enough and lack of level. Now revised as another manuscript, for the reader’s reference. Amendments are as follows: ① “Autumn is more beautiful than the spring, autumn more concentrated than the spring” two, basically keep the original song, but the two fall altogether made a replacement deal. Because these two sentences are symmetrical, the second sentence falls on the “5” sound as well (here
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正如老舍所说,天下几乎没有和作家不相干的事情,所以作家需要知识丰富。当今社会,人们往往把成为作家的标准强加在每个人身上。人们普遍认为全面发展才是好的,偏科必定会遭受鄙视。但在这力争“广”的潮流中,“深”的重要性逐渐被人们所淡忘。其实,深,尤为重要。  《福尔摩斯探案集》第一篇中,华生为读者开出了一份福尔摩斯的学识简表:文学知识——无;哲学知识——无;天文学知识——无;政治学知识——浅薄;植物学知识
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