
来源 :船舶标准化与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztdep
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企业标准化是国防科技工业标准化的基础,企业设计、试验、工艺三大规范的编制是企业标准化工作的重要内容。近期,国防科工委从支持、推动企业标准化工作的角度,决定将推动企业开展“三大规范”的编制与实施工作做为今后几年标准化工作的重点之一,其目的是为了提高企业科研、生产、管理的基础水平。 “三大规范”的编制与实施是关系到国防科技工业技术发展的基础性工作,是保障技术能力与发展的一项重大举措,也是对国防科技人员几十年来工作经验的总结和技术决窍的提炼,是一项抢救性的工作。为配合“三大规范”的编制工作,本期将国防科工委科技与质量司组织编写的《企业设计规范、试验规范、工艺规范编制工作指南》(试行)刊出,以加大对“三大规范”编制工作的宣传力度,促使企业将编制和实施“三大规范”成为自觉行动,长期任务,实现建立军工系统成套三大规范的目标,提高企业标准化水平和效果。 Enterprise standardization is the basis of national defense science and technology industry standardization, enterprise design, test, process three standard preparation is an important part of enterprise standardization. Recently, from the perspective of supporting and promoting the standardization of enterprises, the Commission of Science, Technology, Industry and Industry for National Defense decided to push enterprises to carry out preparation and implementation work of the “three norms” as one of the focuses of standardization in the next few years with the aim of improving Enterprise research, production and management of the basic level. The compilation and implementation of the “three norms” are the basic tasks that are related to the development of the national defense science and technology industry and are a major measure to safeguard technological capabilities and development. They are also a summary of decades of experience in national defense science and technology personnel and technology The refinement of know-how is a salvage work. In order to cooperate with the compilation work of the “Three Norms”, this issue was published in “Guide for the Compilation of Enterprise Design Codes, Test Norms and Craft Specifications” (for Trial Implementation) prepared by the Science and Quality Division of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission to increase The publicity efforts on the compilation of “three norms” impelled enterprises to formulate and implement the “three major norms” as their conscious actions and long-term tasks, and achieve the goal of establishing three complete sets of standards for military and industrial systems so as to raise the standardization of enterprises and effect.
梦寐以见“明斯克”号航母,这次总算如愿以偿了! 去年11月下旬的一天,我利用在广州开会的间隙,亲眼饱睹了这个庞然大物的雄姿。早在离开北京前,我就听人说:“明斯克”号航母
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我以为好书或好文章的标准是 ,读后能使人产生一些想法、萌生一点要说些什么的冲动。在我的阅读经历中 ,《读书》中的许多文章就是属于这样的。我一直生活在高寒贫困的少数民
在新疆我已经生活了将近20年。 我不敢说我是新疆的儿子,我充其量只能算个新疆的养子。 一个养子对他的养父母的爱,可能有点谦卑、有点感激、有点过敏;但他的感受的可靠性以