Better Protection For Children

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  In recent years, reports of children suffering sexual abuse have consistently been on the rise. From May 23, 2013 to May 22, 2014, 192 cases of suspected child sexual abuse were reported by the media. Of the 343 alleged victims involved, those aged from 8-14 years old accounted for 85.42 percent of the total.
  Frequent outbreaks of such cases clearly point to shortcomings in the current laws and the measures being undertaken. Perhaps the most important of these measures is education for minors on safety and self-protection. Many children either have no idea of the hidden risks of sexual abuse to which they are exposed or do not know how to safeguard themselves. Such ignorance provides gaps for potential abusers to exploit and this may lead to repeated and prolonged instances of abuse over time.
  Lack of basic guardianship is another direct contributing factor to child sexual abuse, according to a research report on the protection of girls published in September 2013. The report found that a large proportion of abuse victims are children who have no formal legal guardians, such as children in rural areas whose migrant worker parents have traveled to cities in search of employment and left them to the care of their grandparents or other relatives.
  On June 1, 2013, over 100 female journalists launched the Protecting Girls charity program. The venture is dedicated to conducting sexual abuse prevention courses in primary schools, especially those in rural areas where there are a large number of children lacking parental care. Its long-term goal is to push the government to come up with concrete measures toward the protection of children from sexual abuse.
  The program has provided sexual abuse awareness classes to more than 100,000 children in over 20 provinces and municipalities across China including Beijing, Shandong, Zhejiang, Guizhou and Yunnan, as well as distributing over 120,000 pamphlets on abuse prevention. It has trained nearly 1,000 volunteer teachers and cooperated with local government departments such as education bureaus to carry out sexual abuse prevention courses.
  The program has formed its own teaching plan, the contents of which have been copyrighted. This plan incorporates accumulated experience and expertise in the field of child sexual abuse prevention both in China and around the world and has been modified over 40 rounds of drafting by a panel of more than 20 experts.
  “The goal of the program is to proliferate knowledge on child safety and promote progress in the law with regard to child sexual abuse,” said Sun Xuemei, one of the program’s founders and leaders. It is hoped that such a goal will be embraced by the whole of society.
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【摘要】近年来,互联网金融得到了蓬勃发展,网贷行业更是高歌猛进,行业火爆的背后却存在一些严峻的问题,P2P网贷的风险问题以及如何防范成为行业发展的难题。本文试述在行业监管即将到来的新时期,网贷领域存在的风险类型以及促进该行业健康发展的途径。  【关键词】P2P 风险 监管  近年来,互联网金融得到了蓬勃发展,网贷行业更是高歌猛进,2015年年末,网贷行业累计交易量超过一万亿元,成为引人关注的行业。
【摘要】本文采用2010年至2016年9月的月度数据,研究通货膨胀率、货币供应量、原油期货价格、上证综合指数、美元指数、美元对人民币汇率以及5年期国债利率与黄金现货价格的关系,运用多重共线检验、单位根检验、协整检验以及误差修正模型得出:在长期内,通货膨胀率和美元指数对黄金价格影响较为显著,在短期内,只有美元指数对黄金价格有显著影响。  【关键词】黄金价格 实证分析 误差修正模型  一、引言  随着
【摘要】作为滇中产业集聚区的核心区,2015年嵩明县提出“工业强县、农业稳县、文旅活县、依法治县”的总体要求,全面贯彻《中共云南省委 云南省人民政府关于强化改革举措落实加快高原特色农业现代化建设的意见》精神,通过将嵩明发展实际与省“两办”《关于引导和规范农村土地经营权流转发展农业适度规模经营的实施意见》、《关于加快发展家庭农场的意见》、《云南省加强培育新型职业农民的实施意见》的文件要求结合,推进农