An Experimental Study on the Performance of a Stainless Steel-Water Loop Heat Pipe under Natural Coo

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heermeisi
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Aiming to improve the thermal characteristics of modern electronics, we experimentally study the performance of a stainless steel/water loop heat pipe(LHP) under natural cooling condition. The LHP heat transfer performance, including start-up performance, temperature oscillation and total thermal resistance at different heat loads and with different incline angles have been investigated systematically. Experimental results show that at an optimal heat load(i.e. 60 W) and with the LHP being inclined 60 to the horizontal plane, the total thermal resistance is lowered to be ~0.24 K/W, and the temperature of evaporator could be controlled steadily at around 90 C. Aiming to improve the thermal characteristics of modern electronics, we experimentally study the performance of a stainless steel / water loop heat pipe (LHP) under natural cooling condition. The LHP heat transfer performance, including start-up performance, temperature oscillation and total thermal resistance at different heat loads and with different incline angles have been investigated systematically. Experimental results show that at an optimal heat load (ie 60 W) and with the LHP being inclined 60 to the horizontal plane, the total thermal resistance is lowered to ~ 0.24 K / W, and the temperature of evaporator could be controlled steadily at around 90 C.
“叫火”是几十年前长江入海口北侧沙地人的习俗,直到现在,有人还在信奉着。  所谓“叫火”,就是把某个人眼睛里被吓走了的火,重新呼唤回来。这种“叫火”的样式很多,有搭高台的,有用扫帚招的,有用银圆、纸人泡汤的,有用手指甲、裤带头泡汤的,也有扣米的,还有将唾沫唾在碗里让受惊吓了的人喝的。民间判断这个症状的依据是受惊后出现不安宁、幻觉、说胡话、半开眼睛难以入睡等。判断的方法很简单,合上双眼,用拇指、食指
《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》明确指出,要注重因材施教,关注学生的不同特点和个性差异,发展每一名学生的优势潜能,推进分层教学、走班制等教学管理制度改革。面对教育改革发展的新常态,北师大二附中未来科技城学校自2015年开始探索实施分级教学,围绕提高教学质量、满足学生全面而有个性发展进行了积极尝试。为了确保分级教学的顺利开展,学校围绕管理保障开展了系列工作。  灵活的课程
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