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安娜是一位知识女性,虽已人过中年,但仍身材俊秀、风韵犹存。她精通法语,经常出差巴黎,其职业颇令人羡慕。安娜的丈夫突然病逝,之后她与爱子奥列格相伴度日。如今,奥列格已成为医技熟练的外科医生。母子的家庭生活舒适、宁静。 冬季的一天,时过午夜,安娜却辗转难眠——等待着未归的儿子,焦急中她拨通了事故急救中心电话……这时,奥列格搂着一个女孩儿连说带笑地闯进家门,他用不容商量的口吻对母亲说:“她是伊拉,因为太晚了,得在这儿过夜!”直到第二天用早餐时安娜才弄清,伊拉已同奥列格正式结婚,之所以没事先通知她,是担心她不同意,因为她曾阻挠过儿子与另一女孩的婚姻。 伊拉19岁,读大学生物系一年级,她聪明伶俐,属典型的新潮派。伊拉的出现,彻底破坏了这个家庭的原有秩序。安娜与伊拉虽然各自做过努力,试图和睦相处,但为一系列生活琐事婆媳之间的矛盾频频发生,甚至愈演愈烈:比如,全家三人高高兴兴地一起品尝蛋糕,奥列格吃了一块还要吃,伊拉就切一块递过去,安娜却 Anna is a knowledgeable woman, though she has been in middle age, she is still handsome and still has the charm. She is fluent in French and often travels to Paris, where her career is enviable. Anna’s husband died suddenly, and later she and her son Oleg together. Oleg has now become a skilled surgeon. Mother and child’s family life is comfortable and quiet. Winter day, when it was midnight, Anna was sleepless - waiting for the son did not return, anxiously she called the accident emergency center phone ... ... At this time, Oleg arms around a girl with a smile Broke into the house and told his mother in a tone that she could not negotiate: “She is Ela, because it’s too late to stay overnight!” Anna did not know until breakfast the next day, Formal marriage, the reason for not informing her in advance, is worried that she did not agree, because she had obstructed his son and another girl’s marriage. Ila is 19 years old, first-year university student biology, she is clever, is a typical trendy school. Iraq’s emergence completely undermined the family’s original order. Although Anna and Ila worked hard and tried to get along with each other in peace, the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law happened frequently for a series of life trimmings, even intensified: for example, the whole family happily enjoyed the cake together and Oleg ate But also to eat, Iraq to cut a piece handed over, Anna is
和大多数美国人一样喜欢养宠物,然而不一样的是我家里养了一只美洲豹,我和它在一起生活已经有两年了。 Like most Americans like pets, but not the same as having a jag