96年初,笔者到中国美术馆代袁琳办理她的作品《苗寨》的收藏手续。从那里听到的评价是:难得一个女孩子以如此厚重的色彩呈现一个童话般的苗寨。 我想,假如再具体一点谈论袁琳的这种于丰富多彩中求单纯的艺术风格,可能正是该从画家的生活经历谈起。袁琳生于贵阳,长于贵阳。地近苗寨但本人原是与苗寨与美术都无直接联系的护士小姐,从事美术创作纯属一个偶然的机缘。某次单位例行体检,被怀疑患白血病。养病期间,曾到云南亲戚家小住,不习惯云南饭菜,终日以香蕉裹腹,又信笔涂鸦地画些云南山水和民情以打发闲散时光。返回贵阳后,各项化验指标居然全都正常了。是香蕉具有特殊医效?还是绘画有养心之力?或者当初就是误珍?现在都算是疑案。不过,她自己坚持说是画画的功劳。于
At the beginning of 1996, the author went to the National Art Museum of China to handle the collection procedure of her work “Miao Village”. From there to hear the evaluation is: a rare girl in such a thick color presents a fairy tale-like Miao. I think, if we talk about Yuan Lin’s concrete style of seeking simple artistic style, it may be precisely from the painter’s life experience. Yuan Lin was born in Guiyang, longer than Guiyang. Near Miao Village, but I was originally with Miao Village and art are not directly linked to Miss Nurses, engaged in art creation is purely by chance. A routine routine physical examination, suspected of leukemia. During the recuperation, had to live in relatives in Yunnan, not used to Yunnan food, all day to banana wrapped belly, and letter pen graffiti to draw some of Yunnan landscapes and feelings to kill idle time. After returning to Guiyang, all the laboratory indicators actually all normal. Banana is a special medical? Or painting has Yang Xinzhuang? Or the original is the wrong Zhen? Now considered suspect. However, she insisted that painting is the credit. in