Modified Distributed Medium Access Control Algorithm Based on Multi-Packets Reception in Ad Hoc Netw

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshizd0214
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Based on the Multi-Packet Reception(MPR) capability at the physical layer and the Distributed Coordination Function(DCF)of the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, we propose a modified new solution about WAITING mechanism to make full use of the MPR capability in this paper, which is named as modified distributed medium access control algorithm. We describe the details of each step of the algorithm after introducing the WAITING mechanism. Then, we also analyze how the waiting-time affects the throughput performance of the network. The network simulator NS-2 is used to evaluate the throughput performance of the new WAITING algorithm and we compare it with IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol and the old WAITING algorithm. The experimental results show that our new algorithm has the best performance. Based on the Multi-Packet Reception (MPR) capability at the physical layer and the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) of the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, we propose a modified new solution about WAITING mechanism to make full use of the MPR capability in this paper We describe the details of each step of the algorithm after introducing the WAITING mechanism. Then, we also analyze how the waiting-time affects the throughput performance of the network. The network simulator NS -2 is used to evaluate the throughput performance of the new WAITING algorithm and we compare it with IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol and the old WAITING algorithm. The experimental results show that our new algorithm has the best performance.
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