在构成企业生产经营活动的三大要素——人、物、环境中,人是决定的因素,企业的各项管理目标都必须通过人去执行和完成,因此,抓好以人为集合体的企业最基层的劳动群体组织——班组管理是企业的治厂之本、管理之本。我厂自1992年始就狠下决心化大力气致力于班组基础管理工作,在不断探索和开拓班组管理工作新模式上进行了大胆的尝试。 一、强化培训意识,造就一支素质过硬、精通管理的班组长骨干队伍
In the three major elements that make up a company’s production and business activities—people, things, and the environment, people are the decisive factors. Each of the company’s management goals must be implemented and completed by people. Therefore, it is important to grasp the human-oriented collective enterprises. The most basic level of labor organization - team management is the management of the company, the management of this. Since 1992, our factory has made great determination to devote great efforts to the basic management of the team, and has made bold attempts to constantly explore and open up new models of team work. I. Intensify training awareness and create a backbone team leader with excellent quality and proficiency in management