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本实验采用行为学的宏观观察与大脑额叶单个神经元活动的微观分析相结合的方法,对9只成年猕猴学习、记忆、辨别、注意、决策等几种基础智力因素的神经机制进行了研究。共设计和编制了三套作业对猕猴进行训练。要求动物根据作业中出现的各种灯光信号,对一杠杆进行操作。每套作业都由4个时期组成。不同作业的不同时期所包含的智力因素不同。作业Ⅰ的第3期主要与注意有关,第4期主要与视觉辨别有关。作业Ⅱ的第3期主要与躯体热痛觉辨别有关。作业Ⅲ的第2期主要与视觉辨别有关,第3期主要与短期记忆有关。此外,在三套作业的第4期都包含有决策因素。待动物学会作业后,在进行作业操作的同时,在大脑额叶共记录了216个作业相关神经元。这些神经元的活动分别与辨别、短期记忆、注意和决策有关。对这些神经元的活动特点和规律进行了分析。额叶神经元的辨别机能,主要不是对刺激物的物理属性,而是对其信号意义进行辨别。这是额叶神经元不同于感觉神经元的一个显著特点。额叶神经元的注意机能与短期记忆机能有着密切的关系,与短期记忆有关的神经元也与注意有关。这一实验结果为心理学上关于“注意是促使感觉记忆向短期记忆过渡的主要因素”这一论点首次提供了神经生理学依据。额叶神经元在作业操作中的反应是在学习过程中逐渐形成的。后天的学习训练,对于额叶神经元认知功能的发展,具有良好的促进作用。本研究发现,与基础智力因素有关的神经元多集中在大脑额叶弓状沟上支内侧的狭小范围内,形成一个功能区。用冷冻阻滞的方法取消这个区域的功能后,猕猴进行智力活动的能力明显下降,作业的正确率降低到随机水平。阻滞解除后,正确率可完全恢复。这一新的功能区的发现,为进一步研究智力活动神经基础、研究基础智力相关神经元的中枢递质特性和代谢特点,进而寻求改善和提高人的智力素质和工作能力的有效方法等,打下了基础。另一方面,对于进一步进行大脑智力活动神经回路和神经网络的生物原型研究,也有重要意义。 In this study, the behavioral macroscopic observation and single frontal lobe single neuron activity microscopic analysis combined method of nine adult macaques learning, memory, discrimination, attention, decision-making and other basic intellectual factors of the neural mechanism were studied . A total of three exercises were designed and prepared for training macaques. Animals are required to operate a lever based on the various light signals that appear during operation. Each assignment consists of 4 periods. Different tasks at different times contain different intellectual factors. The third phase of operation Ⅰ is mainly concerned with the attention. The fourth phase mainly relates to the visual identification. The third phase of operation Ⅱ is mainly related to the identification of somatosensory pain. The second phase of operation Ⅲ is mainly related to visual discrimination. The third phase mainly relates to short-term memory. In addition, the fourth installment of the three assignments includes decision-making factors. After the Zoological Society had done the homework, 216 homework-related neurons were recorded in the frontal lobes of the brain simultaneously with homework operations. The activities of these neurons are respectively related to discrimination, short-term memory, attention and decision-making. The characteristics and regularity of these neurons are analyzed. The distinguishing function of the frontal lobe neurons is not primarily the physical properties of the stimuli but the discrimination of their signal significance. This is a prominent feature of frontal neurons that differ from sensory neurons. The attentional function of frontal lobe neurons is closely related to the short-term memory function, and the neurons related to short-term memory are also concerned with the attention. This experimental result provides, for the first time, the neurophysiological basis in psychology for the first time that “attention is a major factor in facilitating the transition from sensory memory to short-term memory.” The reaction of frontal lobe neurons in the operation of the homework is gradually formed during the learning process. Acquired learning and training, for the development of cognitive function of the frontal lobe neurons, has a good role in promoting. This study found that, with the basic intelligence-related neurons are concentrated in the brain frontal arcuate ditch upper branch of the medial narrow range, the formation of a functional area. Using the method of freezing blockade to cancel the function of this area, the ability of macaques to perform mental activities significantly decreased and the correctness of the operation reduced to a random level. After the block is released, the correct rate can be completely restored. The discovery of this new functional zone is intended to further study the neural basis of intellectual activity, to study the central neurotransmitter properties and metabolic characteristics of the underlying intellectual-related neurons, and to seek effective ways to improve and enhance people’s mental qualities and working abilities. The foundation. On the other hand, it is of great significance to further study the biological prototype of neural circuits and neural networks in brain intelligence activities.
本文介绍了三腔复合缸的基本结构型式,对其在液压系统中的新应用进行了综述。 This paper introduces the basic structure of three-chamber compound cylinder, and summa