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A maize genomic clone containing a zein gene (Z4) is inserted into the T-DNA of the Ti plasmid pTiT37. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring this modified Ti plasmid is used to infect stem sections of young plants or explants of dicotyledonous Solanum nigrum. Axenic transformed calli active in nopaline synthesis are obtained and transgenic plants are differentiated from them DNA Southern hybridization and RNA dot-hybridization analyses show that the zein gene is really transferred and integrated into the nuclear genome of transformed Solanum nigrum and that the zein gene can be transcribed into mRNA in the transformed calli and shoots. But the presence of the zein protein cannot be detected in either the transformed calli or the transgenic shoots. The results of thte experiments demonstrate that the promoter of a gene from monocotyledonous plants can function normally in transgenic dicots. The possibility of developmentally-regulated expression of the zein gene in transformed dicots is discussed in Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring this modified Ti plasmid is used to infect stem sections of young plants or explants of dicotyledonous Solanum nigrum. Axenic transformed calli active in nopaline synthesis are obtained and transgenic plants are differentiated from them DNA Southern hybridization and RNA dot-hybridization analyzes show that the zein gene is really transferred and integrated into the nuclear genome of transformed Solanum nigrum and that the zein gene can be transcribed into mRNA in the transformed calli and shoots. But the presence of the zein protein can not be detected in either the transformed calli or the transgenic shoots. The results of thte experiments demonstrate that the promoter of a gene from monocotyledonous plants can function normally in transgenic dicots. The possibility of developingally-regulated expression of the zein gene in transformed dico ts is discussed in
中国象棋协会今秋将邀请世界各国象棋好手到中国来打擂,切磋棋艺,以棋会友。国家体委竞赛四司副司长陈祖德同志,形象地称这种比赛为“过五关斩六将”象棋擂台赛。 第一关由
着法: (红先胜)1.@3 6 0 4 5 2.⑨7曼 0 4 5 8.⑤6—7 0。5 4①4.⑩7亏 0 4 I 5.⑩7 6 0 5 4 7.前@2 0 5 4 9.@1呈0 6 15 11.⑩8石 0 5 4 13.⑧3芝 0 4 1 15.@5石 0 4 5 17.@
吉尔吉斯斯坦经济和贸易发展部部长阿克尔别克·扎帕罗夫于2008年12月22日在新闻发布会上指出,2008年吉尔吉斯斯坦完成了经济发展的基本目标。2008年初,吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyz
Introduction Salt effect studies are of both practical and theoretical importance.In 1889,Setschenow gave an empirical formula of salt effect Introduction Sal