Durability of High Performance Color Hardener

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:babyjl1219
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The properties of high performance color hardener (HPCH) and the mechanism were studied.HPCH is a composite system, which is composed of cementitious and auxiliary cementing materials, composite additives, abrasion resistance component (aggregate) and pigment. The porosity and pore structure of the material are obviously improved due to the activation, filling and adsorption of auxiliary cementing materials, thus resulting in a great increase of binding capacity for ions in HPCH and the obstacles of ion migrating.The density of material structure, bonding capacity of cementitious material to the abrasion-resisting component and the corrosion resistance are greatly and effectively improved by adding the auxiliary cementing materials and compound additives. According to the tests of dry shrinkage, sulphate resistance, chloride permeability and Ca(OH) 2 content distribution, the property superiority of HPCH is analyzed.The mechanism of materials modification of HPCH is explained from the microscopic point of view by testing the pore structure and pore distribution via the mercury intrusion pressure method. The properties of high performance color hardener (HPCH) and the mechanism were studied. HPCH is a composite system, which is composed of cementitious and auxiliary cementing materials, composite additives, abrasion resistance component (aggregate) and pigment. The porosity and pore structure of the material are obviously improved due to the activation, filling and adsorption of auxiliary cementing materials, thereby resulting in a great increase of binding capacity for ions in HPCH and the obstacles of ion migrating.The density of material structure, bonding capacity of cementitious material to the abrasion-resisting component and the corrosion resistance are greatly and effectively improved by adding the auxiliary cementing materials and compound additives. the to the tests of dry shrinkage, sulphate resistance, chloride permeability and Ca (OH) 2 content distribution, the property superiority of HPCH is analyzed. Mechanism of materials modification of HPCH is explained from the microscopic point of view by testing the pore structure and pore distribution via the mercury intrusion pressure method.
【正】 郭沫若是中国现代文学史上的一位巨匠,一生创作出大批艺术杰作,为新文化做出了独特卓然的贡献。他以渊博的知识,纵横的才气,大胆的想象创作了历史剧《蔡文姬》,他的超
我家附近的环境不太好,每天清晨和晚上,噪音总是闹得我们不得安宁,烦躁不已。一天晚上,外面的吵闹声和汽车喇叭声很大,吵得我翻来覆去睡不着,我 The environment around my
语文是什么?我曾经这样百次问自己。曾经以为,语文就是教学生读好课本中的一篇篇课文。 What is Chinese? I once asked myself this hundred times. I used to think that