巴彦淖尔市财政局 科学理财 服务地方

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近年来,巴彦淖尔市财政局在市委、政府的正确领导下,按照市委、政府提出的“富民与强市并举,扩大总量与调整结构并进”的总体要求,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,充分发挥职能作用,依法加强收入征管,不断优化支出结构,保障重点领域投入,实现了全市财政收支的平稳较快增长,为全市经济社会健康发展奠定了坚实的基础。财政收支规模逐步扩大,财政实力进一步增强“十一五”期间,巴彦淖尔市地方财政总收入累计达到242亿元,比上个五年增加180亿元,是“十五”期间的4倍;全市地方财政支出累计达到414亿元, In recent years, under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and government, Bayannaoer Finance Bureau has, in accordance with the general requirements put forward by the CPC Central Committee and the government for “making both the people and the cities prosper, expanding the total volume and adjusting the structure and progressing together,” and thoroughly implemented the scientific development , Give full play to their functions and functions, strengthen revenue collection and management in accordance with the law, constantly optimize the expenditure structure and ensure investment in key areas, and achieve a steady and rapid increase in the city’s revenue and expenditure, laying a solid foundation for the sound economic and social development of the city. The fiscal revenue and expenditures gradually expanded and the financial strength further strengthened During the 11th Five-Year Plan, the total local fiscal revenue in Bayannaoer City reached a total of 24.2 billion yuan, an increase of 18 billion yuan over the previous five years, "4 times during the period; the city’s total local fiscal expenditure reached 41.4 billion yuan,
r 链分 Gr 和 Ar 两种,前者136位是甘氨酸而后者为丙氨酸,它们由两个不等位基因表达,出生时 Gr/Ar 一般在7:3左右,若表达量在出生时有较大偏差时,则有可能在这些异常者中测
近日FDA批准加拿大PaladinLabs公司的普拉睾酮 (Fidelin, DHEA)用于肾功能不全患者的治疗。本品在欧洲的新药审批已完成。FDA给予Paladin Labs公司7年的市场独占权。Paladin
随着新的β -内酰胺类抗生素包括单环β -内酰胺类、第 4代头孢菌素、碳青霉烯类及β -内酰胺类酶抑制剂广泛应用于临床 ,使革兰阴性菌感染的治疗取得长足进展 ,但革兰阴性菌
1987年3月30日~4月4日在上海召开了第三届全国小儿神经病学术会议,现将小儿神经专业的进展综述如下: 一、癫痫(Epi)与脑电图(EEG) 北医大为研究遗传对继发性Epi的影响及发病