
来源 :体育世界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oyyc4011
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健康教育是当前学校体育教育的热门话题,而大学生体育社团活动则是学校体育发展的依托;高校大学生体育社团活动开展的好坏对学校体育健康教育的实施有一定的影响。本文着重探讨实施体育社团活动能否更好地在高校体育教育中开展健康教育,调查结果表明,体育社团活动能有效地促使广大学生养成正确的体育锻炼观念及自主参与体育锻炼的习惯;从体质状况看,参与体育社团后,大学生的身体素质与机能方面呈现一定的变化;从意识行为来看大学生的健康价值观有所改变。 Health education is a hot topic in the current school physical education, while the sports activities of the college students are the basis of the development of school physical education. The development of sports associations of the college students has a certain impact on the implementation of school physical education. This article focuses on whether the implementation of sports community activities can better carry out health education in college physical education, the survey results show that sports club activities can effectively encourage students to develop the correct concept of physical exercise and participate in physical exercise habits; Physical conditions, to participate in sports associations, the physical fitness and performance of college students showed some changes; from the perspective of awareness of college students’ health values ​​have changed.
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