
来源 :重庆市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a2422431
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各区县(自治县、市)人民政府,市政府有关部门,有关企业:为加快重庆经济建设步伐,提升重庆名特产品在国内外的知名度和扩大其市场占有率,在成功举办“武汉展”、“福州展”、“沈阳展”、“南京展”四届“名特展”的基础上,市政府决定今年在黑龙江省哈尔滨市举办“重庆名特产品展销会(2003·哈尔滨)”(以下简称“哈尔滨展”)。此次展销会将改变往年独立办展的形式,组团参加第十四届哈尔滨经济贸易洽谈会(以下简称“哈洽会”),旨在适应入世的要求,借助哈洽会的影响力,促进内外结合,突出向俄罗斯市场推介我市产品。现将有关事项通知如下: The people’s governments of all districts and counties (autonomous counties and cities), relevant departments of the municipal government, and related enterprises: To speed up the pace of Chongqing’s economic development, increase the popularity of Chongqing special products at home and abroad and expand its market share, successfully held the “Wuhan Exhibition” The city government decided to hold this year in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province on the basis of the “”,“ ”Fuzhou Exhibition“, ”“Shenyang Exhibition”, “Nanjing Exhibition”, “The Fourth Special Exhibition”“ Product Fair (2003 Harbin)” (hereinafter referred to as “Harbin Exhibition”). This exhibition will change the format of independent exhibitions held in previous years and organize a delegation to participate in the 14th Harbin Economic and Trade Fair (hereinafter referred to as Harbin Conference and Exhibition). It aims to adapt to the requirements of accession to the WTO and to use the influence of Harbin Fair. Promote internal and external integration and highlight the promotion of our products to the Russian market. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
Ce soir-là, Sylvain abandonna avec soulagement la cabine du funiculaire qui conduit les touristes à Montmartre. Trop de monde, de bruit, de fumée. Depuis di
外经贸部: 你部《关于举办境内对外经济技术展览会审批程序有关问题的请示》(外经贸贸发[2002]525号)收悉。经国务院批准,现就有关事项函复如下: 一、为简化审批程序,提高工
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最近,巴基斯坦国家重工业制造公司(HIT)研制出名为“TALHA”新型装甲输送车,这是巴基斯坦独立发展关键性武器装备的重要里程碑。 TALHA广泛借鉴了美国低功率M113装甲输送车