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今天我来主要是看望大家,同志们在自治区林业战线的各个方面都做出了很大成绩,各个地区、县、林场、单位成绩都是很大的。所以,我向到会的同志们问好,并表示感谢,同时通过你们向林业战线上的广大职工、群众问好并表示感谢。 我区林业十分薄弱,是自治区经济建设中的一个薄弱环节。自治区的植树造林发展慢,成活率低,解放三十五年来累计造林面积677万亩,成活只有400万亩,成活率只有59%,造林成活面积还抵不上砍伐破坏的面积,近几年来,中央发出大搞植树造林的号召,我们开始重视这项工作,但是检查起来,行动仍然很迟缓,1984年全区造林面积达到70万亩,创历史最好水平,但是与其他省区相比还很落后,只等于陕西省榆林地区造林200万亩的34.5%,也没有宁夏多,更没有甘肃多。 Today I came mainly to visit all of you. Comrades have made great achievements in all aspects of the forestry fronts of the autonomous region. The achievements of all regions, counties, forestry centers and units are all very significant. Therefore, I say hello to the comrades here and express my gratitude. At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude to all the workers and staff members on the forestry front and to the masses through you. Forestry in our district is very weak and is a weak link in the economic construction of the autonomous region. In the autonomous region, the afforestation and afforestation development is slow and the survival rate is low. During the 35 years of liberation, the total afforestation area has reached 677 mu, the survival rate is only 4 million mu, the survival rate is only 59%, and the afforestation surviving area is not enough to deforestation area. In recent years , The Central Government issued the call for vigorously planting trees and afforestation. We began to attach importance to this work. However, when we checked them up, the operation was still slow. In 1984, the afforestation area in the entire region reached 70 million mu, the best in history, but compared with other provinces and autonomous regions Still laggard, only equivalent to 34.5% of the 2 million mu of afforestation in Yulin Prefecture, Shaanxi Province, nor Ningxia, nor even Gansu Province.
本刊讯北京时间11月8日,2009中国房车锦标赛(CTCC)第五分站赛在上海国际赛车场落下帷幕。在中国量产车赛1 600CC组决赛中,东风悦达起亚778车队的王少峰获得冠军,全场用时37分