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中国港口第一家中外合资企业——南京国际集装箱装卸有限公司开业近8年来,经中美合资双方竭诚合作,以优质服务和企业信誉赢得了中外客商、船方和车主的信赖,提高了竞争能力,树立起良好的企业形象.在激烈的市场竞争中,该公司生产持续发展,效益也很显著.其国际集装箱业务已辐射到世界76个国家和地区的165个港口.吞吐量逐年增长,1988年完成4500标准箱,今年头8个月共完成箱量95688标准箱,为年计划的73.61%.中国内河第一家现代化集装箱港口南京港是长江流域和华东地区水陆、江海运输的枢纽港,是具有装卸、储存、中转换装、多式联运、运输代理、商业保税和设施功能齐全的现代化综合性港口.1987年12月5日,由南京港务管理局和美国英塞纳码头公司合资建成南京国际集装箱装卸有限公司,成为我国交通系统港口中外合资的试点. In the past eight years since the opening of Nanjing International Container Handling Co., Ltd., the first Sino-foreign joint venture in China’s port, Sino-U.S. Joint ventures have sincerely cooperated with both parties to win the trust of domestic and foreign merchants, shipping companies and vehicle owners with their high quality service and corporate reputation and enhance competition Ability and establish a good corporate image in the fierce market competition, the company continued development of production, benefit is also very significant.Its international container business has radiation to the world’s 76 ports of 16 countries and regions.Output throughput increased year by year, Completed 4500 TEUs in 1988 and completed 95688 TEUs in the first eight months of this year, accounting for 73.61% of the annual plan.Nanjing Port, the first modern inland container port in China, is the hub of the transportation between the Yangtze River and East China, , Is a modern integrated port with complete loading and unloading, storage, intermediate loading, multimodal transport, transport agency, commercial bonded facilities and facilities. On December 5, 1987, the joint venture was established by the Nanjing Port Authority and the American Essen Wharf Company Nanjing International Container Handling Co., Ltd. became a pilot of Sino-foreign joint ventures in China’s transportation system.
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利辛县丝织厂座落在县城东边,宽敞的柏油马路穿厂而过,路边松柏、梧桐错落有致,郁郁葱葱。大道南侧,弓型的塑料大棚,栉比鳞次,远远望去,好象白色的波 Lixin County silk fa