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2032年,全省安全生产形势总体稳定,趋于好转。2003年全省安全生产工作要以党的十六大精神和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,围绕全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,坚持“安全第一,预防为主”的方针。为切实做好2003年安全生产工作,现就有关事项通知如下。一、安全生产责任目标(一)全省共同责任目标。1.确保全省不发生国务院认定的特别重大事故。2.特大事故在2002年的基础上力争稳中有降。3.全省各类重大事故下降5%,力争下降10%。 4.最大限度地减少各类伤亡事故,全省死亡人数低于7848人的控制数,力争下降5%。(二)各市、州各类事故死亡人数控制指标(见附件1、3)。各市、州要采取切实有效措施,进一步明确和落实企业业主及法定代表人、部门、行政首长三者的责任,继续推行和完善目标管理、考核及相关措施,确保目标任务全面完成。(三)省级有关责任部门伤亡人数控制指标(见附 In 2032, the province’s production safety situation is generally stable and tends to improve. In 2003, the province’s work safety work should be guided by the spirit of the Party’s 16th CPC National Congress and the important thought of “Three Represents,” and focus on the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and adhere to the principle of “putting safety first and prevention first”. policy. In order to effectively do a good job in production safety in 2003, we hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows. First, the responsibility of production safety objectives (a) the goal of the province’s shared responsibility. 1. To ensure that the province does not occur the State Department identified a particularly serious accident. 2. Extraordinary accidents in 2002 on the basis of stability and decline. 3. Various types of major accidents in the province dropped 5%, and strive to reduce 10%. 4. To minimize the various types of casualties, the province’s death toll is lower than the control of 7,848 people, and strive to reduce 5%. (B) control indicators of death toll in various cities and states (see Annexes 1, 3). All cities and states should take effective measures to further clarify and implement the responsibilities of business owners, legal representatives, departments and administrative heads, and continue to promote and perfect the objectives of management, assessment and related measures so as to ensure the complete fulfillment of the objectives and tasks. (C) the provincial level responsible for the number of casualties control indicators (see attached
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维克托从小喜欢画画,14岁那年,做外交官的父亲带他去见毕加索。他想让大画家收儿子为徒。毕加索看了维克托的画,当即拒绝。 Viktor liked drawing since childhood, and at
假設你是李华,于2016年9月26日购买的一部iPhone7手机有质量问题,要求商店更换。请根据下列要求,用英语给该店经理写一封投诉信。  要点:1. 问题:手机无法上网,不能视频聊天;店内暂无配件,需要一个月才能修好。  2. 要求:公司应尽快予以更换或退款。  注意: 1. 词数100左右;  2. 开头和结尾已为你与好,不计入总词数。  参考词汇:配件 spare part  Dear Si