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江泽民总书记在省部级主要领导干部“国际形势与世贸组织”专题研究班上发表重要讲话。要求积极做好入世后的应对工作。 他提出,要采取切实有效的措施,推动我国产业和企业不断提高竞争力。要大力加强对产业的结构调整和技术改造,提高科技创新能力和市场竞争力,使它们能够在国内外市场的激烈竞争中站住脚跟,并发展壮大。要使我们的弱势产业变强、优势产业更强。企业要进一步深化改革,尽快建立适应发展社会化大生产和市场经济要求的现代企业制度,增强市场竞争能力、技术创新能力和抵御风险的能力。从长远看,要更有力地开展国际竞争,我们必须形成一批有国际竞争 General Secretary Jiang Zemin delivered an important speech at a seminar on “International Situation and WTO” held by leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial level. We must actively prepare for the post-WTO response. He proposed that concrete and effective measures should be taken to promote continuous enhancement of the competitiveness of industries and enterprises in our country. It is necessary to vigorously step up the structural readjustment and technological transformation of the industry, enhance the capability of technological innovation and market competitiveness so that they can gain a foothold in the fierce competition in domestic and overseas markets and grow and develop. To make our disadvantaged industries stronger, the dominant industries are stronger. Enterprises should further deepen the reform and establish as soon as possible a modern enterprise system that meets the requirements of developing a socialized mass production and a market economy so as to enhance their ability to compete in the market, innovate in technology and resist risks. In the long run, to make international competition more vigorous, we must form a group of countries with international competition
【第一梯队:基本款大件单品】  ★大衣  质感好的大衣,它的垂感、面料、保存度都非常好,破损度会低很多。所以,一件好的大衣,值得我们去投资。不需要每年都换大衣,黑色、驼色、灰色,以及米色的大衣,能够让你穿很长的时间。  ★风衣  在青黄不接的春天,早晚气温差异大,带件风衣是适用的,风衣也是最百搭的单品之一。建议第一次买风衣的颜色是卡其色,另外,这两年非常流行的军绿色,搭很多衣服裤子都好看,可以拗粗
A new heteropoly complex has been prepared and characterized by chemical, analysis ,IR spectrum, UV spectrum, X-ray powder diffraction and thermal analysis. A
Carbon nitride thin films deposited using dc unbalanced magnetron sputtering system have been analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transf