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新的一年到来了,我们有很多工作要做。首先是加强勘察设计的招标、投标工作的管理。勘察设计的招标、投标管理办法今年1月1日就正式实行了,这项工作蕴酿了很久,起草这个办法大概有三四年的时间,对辽宁、浙江等省也作了一些调查。不过还需要一些相关的配套材料,比如说招标和投标文件的范本目前还较粗,希望有条件的单位也做一些范本、试行,以便把这项工作推动起来。第二,就是加强公路勘察设计行业管理。目前,甲级、乙级、丙级单位的资质换证工作已展开,从公路行业来讲,这几年各个设计单位积累了大量的经验、业绩,所以 The new year has come and we have a lot of work to do. The first is to strengthen the management of bids and tenders for survey and design. The bidding and bid management methods for survey and design were formally implemented on January 1 this year. This work has been brewing for a long time. There are about three to four years of drafting this method, and some investigations have also been conducted in Liaoning and Zhejiang provinces. However, some related supporting materials are still needed. For example, the bidding and bidding documents are still relatively thick. We hope that the qualified units will also do some sample and trial in order to promote this work. The second is to strengthen the management of the highway survey and design industry. At present, the renewal of qualifications for Class A, B and C units has commenced. From the perspective of the highway industry, various design units have accumulated a great deal of experience and performance in the past few years.
2002年网络家电前景看好根据ABI(Allied Business Intelli-gence)发布的调查和预测报告显示,2000年全球网络家电(IA)销售量达2160万台。预计2001年达3700万台;2002年将达 8750
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徐州海鹏轮胎有限公司 2 0 0 2年营销计划按照“突出重点 ,重点突破 ,体现特色 ,特色增效”的原则制定。预计公司 2 0 0 2年销售收入 5 .3亿元人民币 (其中包括 1 860万美元
  18 97年 ,德国侵占青岛。 1898年 ,德国与清政府签订《胶澳租借条约》,租借青岛 99年。远东列强日本对青岛也是垂涎三尺 ,必欲夺之而后快。日本利用德国将青岛辟为自由港