
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfszlfs2009
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一 港口是一个城市、一个地区乃至一个国家繁荣兴旺的重要因素。一般说,港口城市比内地城市发展快,港口林立的沿海地区比内陆地区发展快,滨海国家比内陆国家发达。 港口城市的发展必然以港口发展为契机,港口的繁荣又必然会促进港口城市的兴旺。所谓港举百业兴,港衰百业暗,这种港、城相依共荣的关系,早被古今中外的港、城发展史所证实。因此,如何加深认识港、城相依共荣的关系,根据港口资源及其腹地的最大可用性,制订规划,确定功能,分期建设,繁荣港城,是港口城市决策层一项不容忽视的议题。 二 我国的“九五”计划及2010年的宏伟目标已经确定,港口在实现这一宏伟目标时,必须充分发挥其应有功能,作出自己的贡献。港口的功能因港口的性质不同而各异。外向型商港,其功能必须满足发展国内外商品贸易的要求。 A port is an important factor in the prosperity of a city, a region and even a country. Generally speaking, port cities develop faster than inland cities, and the port-bordering coastal areas develop faster than the inland areas and the coastal countries are more developed than the land-locked countries. The development of the port city will inevitably take the development of the port as an opportunity. The prosperity of the port will inevitably promote the prosperity of the port city. The so-called Hong Kong lifts all industries and industries, Hong Kong and all sectors of the industry dark, this Hong Kong, the city depends on the pros and cons of the relationship has long been at home and abroad at all times the history of Hong Kong, the city confirmed. Therefore, how to deepen the understanding of the relationship between Hong Kong and the city on the basis of mutual prosperity and co-prosperity? It is an issue that can not be ignored by the decision-makers in the port city based on the maximum availability of the port resources and its hinterland to formulate plans, confirm functions, build up phases and prosper the Hong Kong City. Second, the Ninth Five-Year Plan of our country and the grand goal of 2010 have been determined. When realizing this grand goal, the port must give full play to its due functions and make its own contribution. The function of a port varies according to the nature of the port. Export-oriented commercial port, its function must meet the requirements of the development of domestic and foreign merchandise trade.
核心——“铺路石”精神 “铺路石”精神是由公路部门领导倡导,职工认同并能理解的群体意识,在生产实践中形成的职业理想,敬业精神和职业道德,是公路行业及其职工价值观的集
买汽车不能只看发动机。更要看汽车品牌和安全系统:买房子不能只看户型,更要看周边配套和小区环境;买窗户不能只看铝材,更要看配件、生产工艺和品牌。    两包烟调查出一个肥沃市场    36岁的洪长林做过很多买卖:种药材、生产湿巾纸、经营日化品……这些买卖让他赚到了钱,更练就了他精准的商业眼光。2005年的一天,他眼前一亮:芜湖市公安、消防等部门联合下文要求,新开发小区一楼的住户必须安装防盗窗,为方便
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