Clinical analysis of neurological system complications in AIDS and HIV positive patients

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gyqg1q
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Objective:To report the clinical manifestations of AIDS with nervous system complications.Methods:We collected the clinical material of AIDS and HIV positive patients who were admitted to our hospital from January 1998 to July 2006,and retrospectively analyzed the 39 cases having nervous system complications,among 146 cases in total.Results:Among 39 cases,there were 3 cases of HIV dementia,1 case of vacuolar myelopathy,3 cases of Gullain-barre syndrome,3 cases of myopathy and 26 cases of secondary opportunistic infection of CNS,including 9 cases of tuberculosis,6 cases of cryptococcus,5 cases of toxoplasma,3 cases of herpes zoster virus,2 cases of herpes simples virus,1 case of cytomegalovirus,1 case of progressive multifocal leukoencencephalitis.2 cases with central nervous system lymphoma.Among them 12 patients gave up treatment,other patients received anti-HIV treatment and anti- microorganism treatment.5 patients died of respiratory failure,2 patients died of multiple organs failure.Conclusion:Up to now,AIDS still has not very good management.So prevention is very important. Objective: To report the clinical manifestations of AIDS with nervous system complications. Methods: We collected the clinical material of AIDS and HIV positive patients who admitted to our hospital from January 1998 to July 2006, and retrospectively analyzed the 39 cases having nervous system complications , among 146 cases in total. Results: Among 39 cases, there were 3 cases of HIV dementia, 1 case of vacuolar myelopathy, 3 cases of Gullain-barre syndrome, 3 cases of myopathy and 26 cases of secondary opportunistic infection of CNS, including 3 cases of herpes zoster virus, 2 cases of herpes simples virus, 1 case of cytomegalovirus, 1 case of progressive multifocal leukoencencephalitis.2 cases with central nervous system lymphoma. Among them 12 patients gave up treatment, other patients received anti-HIV treatment and anti-microorganism treatment.5 patients died of respiratory failure, 2 patients died of multiple organs failur e.Conclusion: Up to now, AIDS still has not very good management.So prevention is very important.
【摘要】核心素养想要获得真正的发展,必须要融入到具体的教学过程中才能实现。对于小学数学的教学来说,如何在数学学习中发展学生的核心素养,并且让学生获得持续发展的学习能力。这是学生数学素养的体现,也是数学课程的价值所在。本文通过具体的教学实践,来阐述如何让学生发展核心素养,进而获得持续发展的关键能力和不竭动力。  【关键词】核心素养 持续发展 教学实施 数学素养  【中图分类号】G623.5【文献标识
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