
来源 :基因组学与应用生物学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kanhyou2009
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嗜水气单胞菌是一种鱼类常见的致病菌,且每年养殖业因感染该菌所造成的损失不也计其数。据研究表明,细菌的外膜囊泡具有免疫保护功能,然而目前对嗜水气单胞菌OMVs组分及其功能的研究还鲜有报道。故本研究首次分离纯化得到嗜水气单胞菌分泌的OMVs,然后利用其免疫小鼠的血清进行抑菌实验,结果表明抗OMVs血清具有良好的抑菌效果。为了进一步了解嗜水气单胞菌的OMVs蛋白的特性,本研究通过利用蛋白质组学技术对其蛋白组分进行分析。经结果分析共鉴定到191个蛋白,包括外膜蛋白、脂蛋白、胞浆蛋白等;并涉及细菌氧化还原作用、跨膜转运与生物学合成等多种重要的生物学功能和过程。此外,还有一些如外膜蛋白Omp A等的毒力因子蛋白的发现,都为日后蛋白相关疫苗的研制提供了候选储备。通过本研究,我们更全面地了解嗜水气单胞菌外膜囊泡的生物学功能,不仅有助于筛选具有重要免疫保护性的蛋白,也为研制嗜水气单胞菌的相关疫苗奠定了研究基础。 Aeromonas hydrophila is a common fish-borne bacterium, and each year the aquaculture industry suffers losses from the infection of the bacterium. According to the research, the outer membrane vesicles of bacteria have the function of immune protection. However, the current research on the components and functions of Aeromonas hydrophila OMVs has not been reported yet. Therefore, OMVs secreted by Aeromonas hydrophila were isolated and purified for the first time in this study, and then the anti-OMVs were tested by using the serum of immunized mice. The results showed that the anti-OMV serum had good antibacterial activity. In order to further understand the characteristics of Aeromonas hydrophila OMVs proteins, this study analyzed the protein components by using proteomics techniques. The results identified a total of 191 proteins, including the outer membrane protein, lipoprotein, cytoplasmic protein, etc .; and involved in bacterial redox, transmembrane transport and biological synthesis of a variety of important biological functions and processes. In addition, some of the virulence factor proteins such as Omp A, which are outer membrane proteins, have provided candidates for the development of protein-related vaccines in the future. Through this study, we have a more complete understanding of the biological function of Aeromonas hydrophila outer membrane vesicles, which not only helps to screen proteins with important immunoprotective properties but also lays the foundation for the development of related vaccines for Aeromonas hydrophila The research foundation.
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1998年加拿大数学奥林匹克竞赛第4题为:如图1,在△ABC中,∠BAC=40°,∠ABC=60°,D和E分别是边AC和AB上的点,使得∠CBD=40°,∠BCE=70°,F是直线BD和CE的交点.证明:直线AF和直线BC垂直.《数学通讯》1999年第6 The fourth issue of the Canadian
在许多资料上都能见到下面这样一道力学题及其解答 ,原题如下 .题目 地球的自转周期为 2 4h,地球半径约为 6 .4× 10 6 m,假设地球自转加快 ,直到地球赤道上的物体漂浮起来
求证:任意三角形为等腰三角形.已知:在△ABC中,求证:AB=AC.证明 如图1,作∠A的平分线AN,再作BC的垂直平分线OH交AN于O,作OE⊥AB,OF⊥AC,垂足分别为E、F,连接OB、OC.∠1=∠2A
有人说美女走到哪里,哪里就成风景。这句话套用在格力的董明珠身上,那就是“自带主角光环的人,走到哪里,哪里就是焦点。”  2016年刚刚开始,格力电器总裁董明珠就隔空回应了小米雷军的“一块钱”赌约:“一块钱太少,要赌就赌十个亿。”然后拉上首富王健林为格力做广告,到近几个月出手就是130亿元收购银隆……让很多网友在网上纷纷感慨:“直呼地球人实在是跟不上董小姐的思想和步伐啦......”“可以,这很明珠