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  第Ⅰ卷 (三部分,共115分)
  第一部分: 听力 (略)
  第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
  第一节:单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. —Come in, Peter. I want to show you something.
  —Oh, how nice of you! I_____you to bring me a gift. (MET 1993)
  A. never think; are going
  B. never thought; were going
  C. didn’t think; were going
  D. hadn’t thought; were going
  22. —Do you like the material?
  —Yes, it_______ very soft.
  A. is feeling B. felt
  C. feels D. is felt
  23. As far as I know, it is the_______ to dye eggs at Easter.
  A. ceremony B. culture
  C. custom D. habit
  24. Willma became the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals in track, _____made her mother very happy.
  A. it B. that C. which D. this
  25. The workers repaired the damage for several weeks_______ everything returned to normal.
  A. as B. after C. while D. before
  26. Having won the important match, the player was really in high_______.
  A. feeling B. mood
  C. spirits D. happiness
  27. —Will you come to the dinner party?
  —I won’t come unless Jenny_______.
  A. be invited B. will be invited
  C. were invited D. is invited_____
  28. He is really considering_______ himself to these children of the poor mountain village.
  A. to devote; educating
  B. devoting; educating
  C. devoting; educate
  D. to devote; educate
  29. After drinking_______ each other’s health, we began to dance_______ the music.
  A. to; to B. for; with
  C. for; for D. to; with
  30. —Why did you miss the first class again,Tom?
  —Terribly sorry, sir. I was about to start_____it began to rain.
  A. while B. when C. and D. but
  31. To gain good health, I would rather_____my bike to work every day than_______ a bus or a taxi.
  A. to ride; to take B. to ride; take
  C. ride; to take D. ride; take
  32. —Why not go to the ball tonight?
  —If you go,_______.
  A. so will I B. so do I
  C. so I will D. so I do
  33. The flight to New Zealand is going to_____in ten minutes.
  A. take in B. take out
  C. take off D. take away
  34. —Did you know about the accident?
  —Yes. Tom has told me_______.
  A. how did it come about
  B. how it came about
  C. how does it come about
  D. how it comes about
  35. —Are you free tomorrow?
  —I’m afraid not, I_______ for Beijing on business.
  A. left B. have left
  C. am leaving D. leave
  第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  On day a famous speaker gave a speech to a crowd of people. He held up a __36__ bill. He asked, “Who would like this$ 20 bill?” Hands were__ 37__. Then he said, “I am going to give this $ 20 to one of you, but first let me do this.” He began to crumple(弄皱) the__ 38__. He then asked the audience, “__39__ still wants it?” Still the hands went__40__ in the air.
  “What__ 41__ I do this?” He asked, and he__ 42__ it on the ground, and started to step on it. He__ 43__ it up. Now the bill was__ 44__ and crumpled. “Now who still wants it?” Still the hands went up.
  “My friends,” He continued, “You have all__ 45__ a good lesson. No matter__ 46__ I did to the money, you still wanted it because the bill did not lose its__ 47__. It was still worth $20. Many times in our__ 48__, we are dropped, crumpled, and stepped on, because we sometimes__ 49__ wrong decisions, or we may__ 50__ with something we do not__51. When what happens, we feel depressed and think we are__ 52__. But in fact no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. The worth of our life comes not__ 53__ what we do or whom we know, but in who we are! Don’t forget ‘the worth of a thing does not depend on its outside__ 54__, but on its inner value.’ This is the__ 55__ of life.”
  36. A. 20 dollar B. 20 dollars
  C. 20-dollars D. 20-dollar
  37. A. risen B. put C. raised D. held
  38. A. bill B. ground C. money D. finger
  39. A. Somebody B. Nobody
  C. Anybody D. You
  40. A. up B. down C. above D. below
  41. A. should B. can C. if D. whether
  42. A. threw B. dropped C. fell D. put
  43. A. showed B. lifted C. put D. picked
  44. A. good B. clean C. large D. dirty
  45. A. gave B. learned
  C. have D. take
  46. A. that B. how C. what D. why
  47. A. value B. price C. effect D. part
  48. A. studies B. work C. fields D. lives
  49. A. do B. make C. give D. take
  50. A. meet B. deal C. talk D. get
  51. A. like B. hope C. wish D. expect
  52. A. worthless B. weak
  C. poor D. careless
  53. A. from B. in C. about D. at
  54. A. beauty B. face C. looks D. image
  55. A. lesson B. truth C. saying D. story
  第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
  “I’m here to give you the letter, Sir,” Anna Pavlova said.
  “Thank you,” replied the headmaster.
  She walked over to his desk. Looking up, he found her quite nervous, “Oh, little Pavlova , you aren’t a new students , are you? ” he asked.
  Anna held her head high, which still made her look far younger than her fifteen years. “ I’ve been at this ballet school for almost five years, ” she said proudly. The headmaster liked the way she talked.
  A pair of red ballet shoes set all alone on the table caught her eyes.
  “That is Taglioni’s shoes, I’m very sorry that there’s nobody who can wear it today. Her feet were small and perfect,” he said.
  Toglioni! The greatest dancer of all the time! The name sent an unusual feeling through her.
  He look at her shining eyes, then he asked, “How would you like to try it on?”
  As in a dream, she pulled on the red shoes.
  “Why. They fit perfectly!” He said happily. “Little Pavlova, I’ve seen your dance. You are very good.”
  And she had won Toglioni’s shoes.
  She, little Anna Pavloa, was going to be a great dancer. She had known this in her heart since she was a little girl, dancing as soon as she could walk, always dancing.
  Dancing was Anna’s life. One day, she would show the beauty of ballet to all the world. And this was the dream for which she worked so hard and lived her life. After graduation from the ballet school, she soon became the best dancer in Russia. But her greatest contribution to ballet came later, when she began to dance outside of Russia. Her great dancing took her all over the world and produced a love of ballet everywhere she went.
  56. The headmaster felt pleased when he found Anna_______.
  A. was a new student
  B. was proud of being a fifth-year student
  C. looked much younger than her real age
  D. had been at this ballet school almost fifteen years
  57. After Anna put on the red shoes, the headmaster said something that_____ Anna.
  A. troubled B. frightened
  C. disappointed D. inspired
  58. Anna became a successful ballet dancer because_______.
  A. she was lucky enough to try on Taglioni’s shoes
  B. Taglioni’s red shoes fitted her foot nicely
  C. She was a dancer by birth
  D. She not only had got perfect feet but also worked hard
  59. Which of the following is not true?
  A. Anna devoted all her life to ballet.
  B. Anna’s dancing produced a love for beauty of ballet outside Russia.
  C. Anna danced around the world when she was still in ballet school.
  D. Anna decided to be a great dancer when she was quite small.
  Sunshine on a rainy day
  Have you ever had a day when everything seemed to go wrong, and nothing seemed to go right? Not too long ago I was having one of those days. I was discouraged, weary, and sad. My focus was on me, me,me. After all, no one else was experiencing the same trials as I was.
  I expressed my downcast state to my mother, hoping for some pity. Instead, she said, “I hear that Jamie was having a difficult day too. Why don’t you make her some cookies and we’ll take them to her this afternoon?” I didn’t really want to, but decided that I didn’t want to go back to my other problems just yet. I made the cookies and arranged them on a little plate. Then I made a card with a sunflower on it and wrote a note of empathy.
  That afternoon we dropped in my friend’s house. I went to the door and rang the bell. Soon, Jamie came to the door and looked at me in surprise for the unexpected visit. Before she could say anything I rushed, “I heard you were having a hard day and decided to bring you something. I hope your day goes better.” The look that came over Jamie’s face was one that I could never put into words. It was as if a darkened sky was suddenly lit with the golden rays of the sun; it was as if in that small act, her day was brightened.
  I got back into the car and for some amazing reason, I felt a lot better myself. That day I experienced the truth that James Barrie attempted to describe. “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.”
  60. Why did the writer feel discouraged?
  A. Because everything she did went wrong.
  B. Because she had quarreled with her friends.
  C. Because she always focused on herself.
  D. Because she had some trials.
  61. What was the mother’s react when the writer went to her for help?
  A. She showed great pity.
  B. She didn’t care at all.
  C. She laughed about it.
  D. She made a good suggestion.
  62. Which of the following has the closest meaning of the underlined word “empathy”?
  A. Message B. Thanks
  C. Comfort D. Visit
  63. Where do you think the “small act” as the writer said come from?
  A. Hardship.__ B. Care of others.
  C. Kindness__D. Worries from others.
  What would you do if a hungry shark attacked you? Hopefully you will never have to answer that question for real. Aaron Perez wasn’t so lucky. Last summer, the 11-year-old was swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, a bull shark suddenly attacked him.
  Fortunately, Aaron knew what to do. Just the day before, he had learned that one should hit an attacking shark in the gills or eyes As the bull shark bit down on the boy’s arm, Perez beat it in the gills. The shark let go. Aaron managed to get to shore safely.
  Why sharks attack?
  No one knows why sharks attack people. Scientists say that it may be a case of mistaken identity. To a shark, a swimmer can look like a seal. And many sharks eat seals.
  Sharks may not even like how people taste. Scientists point out that sharks often leave after just one bite, of course, even a single shark bite can be deadly.
  Who’s afraid of whom?
  Shark attacks are horrible. Luckily, they are also rare. Worldwide, sharks attack fewer than a hundred people a year. Only about six die. Overall, though, sharks have far more reasons to fear us than we have to fear them.
  All sorts of sharks
  Roughly 400 shark species swim in the world’s oceans today. They come in all sizes. Sharks eat other animals. Now let’s meet a few sharks.
  The whale shark is the largest fish in the sea. Fully grown, it can be as long as a school bus. Yet, it does not hunt large animals.
  Nearly 5,000 razor-sharp teeth? line the mouth of a great white shark. When one falls out, another replaces it. Those teeth help the shark hunt. Yet it doesn’t chew food. It swallows.
  Great whites get blamed for most shark attacks. But tiger and bull sharks can also be dangerous. So can a few other species
  Deep trouble
  As deadly as some sharks look, the fearsome fish are not unstoppable. Nearly 80 shark species are threatened or endangered.
  Time is running out for these species. Programs to protect sharks and their habitats are urgently needed to ensure that these magnificent species survive.
  64. The purpose of the author in writing this passage might be_______.
  A. how to protect yourself from being attacked by sharks
  B. to introduce the natures of sharks
  C. to draw readers’ attention to take measures to rescue sharks
  D. how to protect sharks
  65. The reason why sharks attack people probably is that_______.
  A. they didn’t like people swimming in their places
  B. they mistake a person as a seal
  C. they tend to protect themselves from being hunted
  D. people’s smell make sharks bored
  66. Which of the following sharks is not likely to attack a human being?
  A.The white shark B. Whale sharks
  C Tiger sharks D. The bush shark
  67. The underlined sentence “Time is running out for these species” probably has the same meaning as_______.
  A. time is in favor of sharks
  B. these sharks have tight time to hunt
  C. there is not much time left for these sharks to live in the sea
  D. these sharks need time to develop themselves
  This is one of the tastiest ways of cooking carrots, and also the most sensible. Root vegetables easily absorb fat. By cooking not in water but in butter, you help to conserve nourishment(营养).
  You need a thick saucepan with a really tight lid. (This is essential because the carrots cook in the steam from their own moisture, and they produce so little steam that none of it must escape. )
  Sliced old carrots: 10—20 minutes; whole new carrots: up to 45 minutes
  Carrots , about 1 teaspoon of butter, seasoning, a very small amount of sugar, chopped parsley(西芹).
  1. “Scrub” and peel the carrots and cut older carrots into even slices, not too thick. New carrots can be left whole.
  2. Heat enough butter to cover the bottom of the pan well. When it is hot but not smoking, add the carrots.
  3. Add salt and pepper, but not too much because, in this way of cooking, none of the seasoning’s flavor will be lost.
  4. Cover with lid and cook over a gentle heat, shaking the pan occasionally so that the carrots do not stick or burn. Sliced carrots will take 10—20 minutes to become tender according to thickness. Whole new carrots may take up to 45 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle lightly with the sugar. This helps to bring out the natural flavor of the carrots. Also sprinkle with coarsely(大块地) chopped parsley if you like the extra color and flavor.
  68. A tight lid is needed to_______.
  A. prevent steam from escaping
  B. prevent the carrots from escaping
  C. conserve sauce
  D. let moisture escape
  69. The underlined word “scrub” means_____.
  A. wash with a brush__ __ B. scrape with a knife
  C. remove the skin of the carrots
  D. cut with knife
  70. Not too seasoning should be added because_______.
  A. a lot of salt and pepper will not be lost
  B. steam will not be lost
  C. its taste will not be lost
  D. not too much salt and pepper will not be lost
  71. How long will the thickly sliced carrots take to become tender?
  A. 20 minutes__ B. 10—20 minutes
  C. 10 minutes D. 45 minutes
  Children who spend more time reading with their parents have a greater chance of becoming better readers than those who don’t. With help from their parents, children can learn techniques to improve their reading skills.
  “A lot of parents think after their child learns to read, they should stop reading to them,” Donna George said. “They are sadly mistaken.”
  George offers her services to parents at the Title I Learning Centers. She said reading aloud to children may be the most valuable thing parents can do. “It is better for children to hear things at a higher level than where they are,” George said. “Parents are their child’s first teacher.” Parents help their children build listening, phonics, comprehension and vocabulary skills when they can read aloud to them.
  Before parents can identify reading problems, they should escape the enemy—television and limit the time their children spend watching television. George suggested not allowing kids to have a TV in their bedrooms, setting a schedule of when kids can watch or keeping a list of how many programs children watch. Louise Joines said while her 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son enjoy reading, the television sometimes becomes a distraction. So she tries to build the situation by suggesting books the entire family will enjoy reading together, like the Harry Potter series.
  Parents who do not read themselves should not count on their children being enthusiastic about it. If parents would read to their children at least 15minutes every day, children would not have so many problems in school. It is the parents’ job to help build that desire in their children, and of course to know what kind of books to read is also important.
  72. According to George, reading aloud to children_______.
  A. help them correct mistakes.
  B. is helpful to their reading
  C. is parents’ first duty to their children
  D. can get children out of television’s attraction
  73. The underlined word “distraction”(in paragraph 4) means something that_______.
  A. can improve children’s reading
  B. can help children’s right way of reading
  C. can make children interested in reading
  D. can make children not attentive
  74. What does the fourth paragraph mainly want to show is important?
  A. reading skills
  B. reading speed
  C. feeding materials
  D. reading environment
  75. If the passage is not completed, which of the following can follow the fifth paragraph?
  A. Parents choose reading materials for their children.
  B. Advice is given to control their children.
  C. What TV programs children can watch during reading.
  D. How children improve their reading by themselves
  第Ⅱ卷 (共35分)
  第四部分: 写作 (共两节;满分35分)
  第一节: 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  注意: 原行没有错的不要改。
  Reading English newspapers are my favorite activity. When 76._______
  I entered to high school, I began to enjoy doing such work. 77._______
  Under the teacher’s help, I realize that reading English articles is 78._______
  very importance. It’s a good way to improve my English. 79._______
  I’ve learned many new words and expression by doing so. I 80._______
  also get much information, included news about China and the 81._______
  world outside. It opens my eyes widely. What I love mostly is 82._______
  the section about TV programs in the coming week. I dislike 83._______
  reading long articles where are many new words. I will work 84._______
  hardly to keep on even if it’s a particularly hard task for me. 85._______
  第二节:书面表达 (满分25分)
  你所在的班级将要举办一次主题为“What Can We Do for Our School?”的英语演讲比赛。请写一篇英语演讲稿,要求从以下四方面中任选一至二个进行阐述,并举例加以说明。
  1. 关心他人;
  2. 美化校园;
  3. 爱护学校设施;
  4. 营造良好的学习氛围。
  注意:1. 词数:100左右;
  2. 参考词汇: 爱心:love and care;校园:campus; 设施:facilities; 氛围:environment
1、Exchange cards with your partner anduse the map to help your partner find theway to the attractions(page 65 )
不是那样的    A:我看见7个女孩共撑一把伞却没有一个被淋湿。  B:啊?那一定是把很大的伞吧!  A:不是,当时并没有下雨。
1. 课本原句: Sorry, I didn’t recognize you.   考点: 一般过去式在语境中的妙用。  解读: 过去式在语境中运用起来往往有较大的灵活性,可表示在说话之前的情况,表示“原以为”之意。谓语动词常用know, think, recognize, notice, remember, forget等来表达。如: Hello, I didn’t know you were
Most people don’t wake up in the morning, comb their hair, and walk out the front door and onto the world stage. But Britain’s Prince William does, though he’s trying his best to act like an ordinary
Ⅰ. 单词拼写  根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1. He looked at the envelope and_________(认出) Jenny’s handwriting immediately.  2. A_________(神秘的) light came from the deserted house.  3. He made up a story to
一、 词语例解  1. advantage  n. (1) 有利条件;优点;优势  He had the advantage of a good education.他具备受过良好教育的优势。  (2) 利益;好处  What is the advantage of using nuclear power?使用核能有何好处?  【搭配】 take advantage of利用 to one’s a