A Comparative Study of Lexical Richness in the Writing of Non—English and English Major Students

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  1. Defining key terms
   Lexical richness: Lexical richness is widely assumed to be an important part of lexical proficiency. In some studies lexical richness is considered an umbrella term, covering different dimensions of lexical competence, such as lexical diversity, lexical sophistication, lexical density and lexical accuracy (Read 153). Also, lexical richness can be illustrated by frequency-based definition. It is assumed that low-level learners will have access to high-frequency words, whereas a high proportion of low frequency words is supposed to indicate an advanced level of vocabulary knowledge (Ineke Vedder & Veronica Benigno 25). Lexical richness measures are used to evaluate the lexical proficiency level of a child or student, comparing their lexical richness with an external reference point(Azodi, Karimi & Vaezi 1839).
  2. Data collection and analysis
  The data on which the analyses were conducted were consisted of short argumentative essays written by two college students, of which one majors in English and the other majors in Chinese. Two writing tasks were assigned to the students and they are asked to work out a text of at least 250 words within 35 minutes . The two tasks were similar in terms of task type, structure and topic. When finishing collecting the writings, I put them into the Corpus and analyze the lexical richness of the two writings in the aspects of word frequency and word accuracy.
  3. Results and discussion
   3.1 Word frequency
  As shown by Table 1, the results for both tasks are fairly similar. The proportion of high frequency words is highest in both two passage while the low frequency words consist the lowest proportion. The percentage of high frequency words is much higher in passage 2 (77%) than in passage 1 (68%). However, the proportion of low frequency words is slightly low in passage 1 (10%) than in passage 2 (12%).
  As can be deduced from Table 1, there are several differences in lexical richness between the English major and non-English major students. The non-English major student uses more high frequency words than the English major student, which shows that when they think of the words to express their opinions, the words they choose are always the same and the easier ones. With respect to the middle frequency words, the proportion in the writing of non-English major student is as low as that of low frequency words, whereas the proportion in English major student’s writing is as much as twice than that of low frequency words. We can say that as for the non-English major students, the words they choose are of two sides, either the most common ones or sometimes the sophisticated ones. That’s possibly because the middle frequency words need more practice than low frequency words, and the non-English major students have less time and opportunities to use those words. Also, the amount of written input learners receive varies according to their field of study.(Laufer & Nation 25). With regard to the use of low frequency words, the percentage in passage 2 has a tiny advantage than passage 1. In order to see clearly the content of the words in low frequency, I make up the Table 2.   According to Table 2, the type of part of speech in the list of the low frequency words is similar both in passage 1 and 2. They are adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs. Overall, the adjectives and nouns consist most of the low frequency words. However, in passage 1, the numbers of nouns and adverbs are much bigger than in passage 2 while the numbers of adjectives and verbs are the opposite. Table 2 tells us that non-English major students use more sophisticated adjectives and verbs, and English major students use more nouns and adverbs of low frequency.
  3.2 Word accuracy
  From Table 3, we can get the information about word accuracy in both passages. I picked up three words in each passage randomly from high frequency to low frequency, and to compare the collocations in the text with those in the corpus. If the collocation is shown as the recommended list, I will highlight the words, and if not, I try to find the collocation in the lists below. According to Table 3, English major students can use the correct phrase of all word frequencies (though the phrase of high frequency is not so common used). However, the non-English major student made a mistake in using the low frequency word--- the phrase he used doesn’t appear in the list. It indicates that though the non-English major students can also use as many low frequency words as English major students, their accuracy can not be assured.
  3.3 Discussion
  The findings of this study can be useful in the field of language pedagogy. We’ve concluded that the non-English major students use much more high frequency words than English major students, but they will make mistakes in the use of low frequency words. Nation (Teaching Vocabulary) believes teaching can effectively deal with only a small amount of information about a word at a time. The more complex the information is, the more likely the learners are to misinterpret it. As a result, teachers should select the teaching materials intensively, and make sure that the materials have the necessary lexical items for the learners which include high frequency words, low frequency words, and academic words(Meara, 27). Meanwhile, the criterion of the materials in terms of the lexical items should be different for non-English majors and English majors.
  Works cited:
  Azodi, Karimi & Vaezi. “Measuring the lexical richness of productive vocabulary in
  Iranian EFL University students’ writing performance”. Theory and Practice in
  Language Studies, Vol. 4, No. 9, (2014.9), 1837-1849
  Ineke Vedder & Veronica Benigno. “Lexical richness and collocational
  competence in second-language writing. “ De Gruyter Mouton (2016); 54(1);
  Laufer & Nation. “Passive vocabulary size and speed of meaning recognition.”
  EUROSLA Yearbook 1(2001), 7-28.
  Meara. “Lexical Frequency Profiles: A Monte Carlo Analysis.” Applied Linguistics
  (2005), 26 (1), 32-47.
  Nation. “Teaching Vocabulary. “ The Asian EFL Journal, 7(3), (2005), 47-54.
  Read. Assessing vocabulary.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
引言:  2016年10月31日到11月12日,我和学校同事一行10人在台湾文藻外语大学参加了“骨干教师英语能力提升研修”。参与了课堂学习,观摩了两位英语老师的课堂教学,参观了语言会诊中心,听取了英语教学中心吴秋慧主任的关于共同英语课程的介绍和说明。研修时间虽然不是很长,但强度很大,收获很多,现总结如下:  一、文藻印象——一所人文开放的大学  文藻外语大学是一所天主教私立大学,是台湾唯一的外语大
【摘要】:我国高校在改革开放以后获得了高速发展,但是艺术教育作为高校教育的组成部分,发展却稍有滞后。公共艺术课程是我国高等教育课程体系的重要组成部分,是实施教育的主要途径。  【关键词】:高等学校;艺术教育;大学生;选修课  一、在高校中开展艺术教育的意义  艺术家瓯是其他任何学科都不能代替的。有知识并不等于有修养。美育,特别是艺术教育是培养全面人才的重要手段。所以说“没有美育的教育是不完全的教育
【摘要】:新媒体时代下,人们对纸质书的兴趣逐渐下降,大部分的学生通过网络渠道来了解信息。并且相比于文字阅读,读图的方式因更简明而更受欢迎。高校明确提出应当学习《学生手册》以提升学生素质。为了尽可能多的让学生自主学习《学生手册》,笔者实践采用网络技术创新改进《学生手册》,通过漫画和流程图对相关条例进行讲解,并考虑了其它方面的管理与服务方式。  【关键词】: 新媒体时代;漫画;创新;高校工作  一、前
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时光易逝,步入大学之门,朝着理想起航。在大学这一人生重要的成长舞台,我们必须努力增知识、长才干、学技能、强素质,全面提升各方面的能力和素质,为将来进入社会、顺利就业奠定坚实的基础。大学是人生的十字路口,如何走好大学生活的每一步,如何度过大学四年的短暂生活,如何为未来的职业生涯做好准备,这是摆在大学生面前的重要课题。因此,大学生们必须为自己的大学生活做出合理的规划。  1.培养广泛的兴趣  不仅对自
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