
来源 :国外医学.输血及血液学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudi120
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再障治疗过程中常合并有肝功障碍,主要原因有(一)蛋白质同化激素的副作用:该药所致之肝功障碍表现为BSP排出迟延,GOT及GPT升高,CCF、TTT及ZTT降低,这与急性或慢性肝脏损害的改变不同。病检时,光学显微镜下无何异常,电镜下可见毛细胆管扩张及微绒毛(Mic-rovilli)缩短和数量减少。用药前及用药6个月后,GOT及GPT异常例由25%增加到70%左右,LDH异常例由16%增加到33%,Al-phos异常例由22%增加到32%。使用该药治疗再障过程中发现肝功障碍时,首先应考虑与该药有关。肝功障碍的发生率及程度的差异取决于该药的种类,在17α位上有烷基者引起肝功障碍的频率高。很少发生黄疸,虽有也多数程度较轻,减量或停药后能改善。(二)感染:再障时常输新鲜血及血小板血浆,并发乙型肝炎及败血症的机会增多。再障本身颗粒细胞减少, Aplastic anemia often associated with liver dysfunction, mainly due to (a) the side effects of protein anabolic hormones: the drug-induced liver failure manifested as delayed BSP excretion, GOT and GPT increased, CCF, TTT and ZTT decreased, This is different from changes in acute or chronic liver damage. Disease examination, no abnormal under the optical microscope, electron microscopy can be seen bile duct dilatation and microvilli (Mic-rovilli) shortened and the number of reduced. Before treatment and 6 months after treatment, the abnormalities of GOT and GPT increased from 25% to 70%, the abnormality of LDH increased from 16% to 33%, and the abnormalities of Al-phos increased from 22% to 32%. Use of the drug treatment of aplastic anemia found in the process of liver dysfunction, the first consideration should be related to the drug. The frequency and extent of liver dysfunction depends on the type of drug and the presence of alkyl at position 17α leads to high frequency of liver dysfunction. Jaundice rarely occurs, although most are less severe and can be reduced after weight loss or withdrawal. (B) infection: aplastic anemia often lose new blood and platelet plasma, concurrent hepatitis B and sepsis increased chances. Aplastic anemia itself granulocyte reduction,
血小板生成素(以下简称TPo)是属于α球蛋白领域的糖蛋白;现在还查明其分子量约为25,000; 虽有抗原性,但在小鼠和人之间无种特性异。著者使用了由人血清中提纯的TPo成功地培
伴随着中国经济的发展,人民币国际化相关问题的研究日益成为各界关注的焦点,有着重要的理论和现实意义。  本文从探寻人民币国际化的本质入手,分析人民币国际化的动因、机制与
2013欧洲国际标签印刷展览会(Labelexpo Europe 2013)将于9月24~27日在比利时布鲁塞尔展览中心举办,马汀自动科技公司将携其在标签及窄幅轮转印刷中最畅销的MBS放卷机及LRD收卷机亮相本届展会(展位7K90),并将进行现场演示。  MBS对接式不停机放卷机是马汀公司在标签及窄幅轮转印刷市场中的旗舰机型,最新型的MBS标准规格含有超声波纠偏传感器及螺线沟纹过纸辊,可处理多种材