
来源 :临床口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:benson55
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笔者自1990年11月以来,采用琼脂/藻酸钠双重印模法取模,应用带模铸造法完成了12例病人,计17个牙冠的冠、桥镍铬合金全冠修复。现将临床及技工室的操作方法、步骤和体会介绍如下。 一、临床及技工室的操作方法及步骤 1.按常规要求完成牙体预备。 2.用清水冲洗牙预备体及其周围的组织后,干燥,用注射器将溶液状琼脂印模材料(55℃Ⅰ)涂布于预备体及其邻牙周围。 3.待琼脂印模材料初凝时,将盛有藻酸钠印模材料的托盘放入口内。 4.待藻酸钠印模材料凝固后,从口内取出印 Since November 1990, the author has adopted the double imprinting method of agar / sodium alginate to take the mold and applied the die casting method to complete the 12 patients with 17 crown crowns and bridge nickel-chromium alloy crown restoration. Now clinical and laboratory procedures, steps and experience are as follows. First, the clinical and laboratory procedures and steps 1. To complete the preparation of conventional dental requirements. 2. After rinsing the tooth preparation and surrounding tissue with water, dry and apply the solution agar impression material (55 ° C) to the preparation and its adjacent teeth with a syringe. 3. When agar impression material initial setting, will hold the tray of sodium alginate impression material into the mouth. 4. After the alginate impression material solidified, remove the seal from the mouth
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阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller,1915—2005)是美国公认的最伟大剧作家之一,与尤金·奥尼尔、田纳西·威廉斯一起统领了二十世纪百老汇舞台,并将美国戏剧推向整个世界。其代表作《
名誉主编:张衍浩名誉副主编:李才芳主编:张颂农副主编:张开宜 黄安东编辑部主任:欧尧 Honorary Editor: Zhang Yanhao Honorary Deputy Editor: Li Caifang Editor: Zhang