
来源 :临床荟萃 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cser905
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脾曲综合征是气体积聚于结肠脾曲的统称。近几年已被国内学者重视,但往往只注意到了结肠脾曲积气引起的一系列消化道症状,而对治疗及X线诊断则很少论及,本文总结我院二年来均有消化系统的症状,又经X线证实的200例,探讨临床主要症状及X线表现,分析如下。 一、临床资料 200例中均有上腹部饱胀、疼痛而就诊,并经消化道造影拍片证实。本组病例,多发于30至50岁,女性多于男性。主要临床症状有以特点:1.午后出现上腹部不适,晚上八时至十时最明显,睡眠后症状好转,第二天早展症状基本消失,为反复性。2.嗳气或出虚恭后症状稍有缓解。3.腹痛与腹张大部分有交替性,气候寒冷时易发作,腹痛有时可放射至右下胸或友臂内侧,可拟似心绞痛。4.本综合征尤其是在情绪波动时症状加重,病情发作时患者常怀疑自己有心脏病、癌症、胸膜炎等恐惧心理。 Splenoid flexor syndrome is the general term for gas accumulation in the colon and splenic flexure. In recent years, it has been valued by domestic scholars, but often only noticed a series of gastrointestinal symptoms caused by colon spleen and intertrochanteria, while the treatment and X-ray diagnosis are seldom discussed. This article summarizes our hospital two years have digestive system Symptoms, and confirmed by X-ray 200 cases, to explore the main clinical symptoms and X-ray findings, analysis is as follows. First, the clinical data of 200 cases were abdominal fullness, pain and treatment, and confirmed by the gastrointestinal angiography film. This group of patients, multiple in 30 to 50 years old, more women than men. The main clinical symptoms are characterized by: 1. Late afternoon abdominal discomfort, the most obvious eight o’clock to ten o’clock, the symptoms improved after sleep, early symptoms of the next day disappeared, repeated. 2. belching or a slight relief after the virtual Christine symptoms. 3. Abdominal pain and abdominal alternating most of the time, easy to attack when the weather is cold, abdominal pain can sometimes radiate to the right lower chest or arm inside, may be like angina. 4. Syndrome, especially in mood swings when the symptoms increase, patients often suspect that their heart attack, illness, pleurisy and other psychological fear.
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