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美国航宇局负责空间探索的副局长格里芬8月24日在空间探险家协会上说,美国航宇局将在2000年前利用一种运载能力超过土星5号的运载火箭将4名宇航员送往月球并在月球上生活45天,并打算在2000年以后利用机器人取道月球进行火星探测。为此,该局在其1993年财年申报的预算中,打算以空间探测倡议立项,拨出3200万美元进行月球轨道飞行器的设计。他还说,登月飞行的关键是开发一种重型助推器,这种助推器可将重约23吨的载荷送入低地球轨道。阿波罗登月计划所用的土 NASA’s space exploration deputy director Griffin said on August 24 at the Society of Space Explorers that NASA will use a launch vehicle capable of surpassing Saturn 5 to deliver four astronauts They were sent to the moon and lived on the moon for 45 days, and intend to use robots to take the moon to Mars exploration after 2000. To this end, the council, in its budget declaration for the fiscal year 1993, intends to allocate a total of $ 32 million for the lunar orbiter’s aerial vehicle design with a space exploration initiative. He also said the key to lunar landing is to develop a heavy-duty booster that can send payloads weighing about 23 tons into low Earth orbit. Apollo lunar landing plan used soil
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作为“先进发射发展计划(ALDP)”的一部分,美空军、NASA 和它们的主承包商已探讨了数十种具有降低成本、提高空间发射效率趋势的概念和技术,例如,航空喷气公司正在研究简化
Analytical solution is obtained of coupled laminar heat-mass transfer in a tube with uniform heat flux. This corresponds to the case when a layer of sublimable
创新要以原始创新为基点,以集成创新为重点,以引进消化吸收再创新为途径。在这个过程中,创新环境的培育、创新人才培养是关键。 Innovation should be based on the origina