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一、从市场经济中存在的问题看政府宏观计划调控的必要1992年10月,党的十四大确定了我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制,并提出要在90年代初步建立起这个新体制。近一年来的实践如何呢?中央领导同志已有结论:“我国当前经济形势是好的,国民经济在去年高速发展的基础上,继续保持强劲的增长势头。同时在前进的过程中也出现了一些突出的矛盾和问题。”那么这些矛盾和问题是什么呢?主要是金融系统秩序混乱。没有尽到调节货币供给、平衡信贷资金总最、稳定币值、抑制通货膨胀的职责;结构性矛盾和薄弱滞后产业瓶颈制约因素突出;各种浮空性的投资如炒股票、炒地皮、炒外汇、炒紧缺物资风过热;通货膨胀率高,物价涨幅大;各行业乱摊派、乱收费现象有增无减;各种经济犯罪现象层出不穷,从而导致居民经济心理不稳定。这些问题如不及时予以整治,不仅会延 I. The Necessity of Regulating and Controlling the Government’s Macro-planning from the Problems Existing in the Market Economy In October 1992, the 14th National Congress of the Party set the goal of China’s economic structural reform as establishing a socialist market economic system and proposing to establish it in the early 1990s Play this new system. What has been done in the last year? The central leading comrades have already concluded: “The current economic situation in our country is good. The national economy continued its strong growth momentum on the basis of the rapid development of last year. At the same time, it has also emerged during the course of its progress Some prominent contradictions and problems. ”So what are these contradictions and problems? Mainly the disorder of the financial system. We did not do our best to regulate the supply of money, balance the total amount of credit funds, stabilize the currency value and curb inflation. Constraints on structural contradictions and weakness and bottlenecks in the industry are prominent. Various kinds of investment such as speculation in stocks, , The lack of funds and assets overheating; tight inflation, rising prices; large numbers of unrest in various industries, indiscriminate charges; the phenomenon of various economic crimes after another, leading to economic instability in the residents. If these problems are not rectified in time, they will not only be delayed
一、温泉出露地区的地质、地貌条件 腾冲地处祖国的西南边疆(北纬25°06′,东经98°31′),是我国西南第四纪火山分布区。与火山活动相伴同,地震频繁,温泉出露亦多。该地的火
1980年2月在新西兰惠灵顿将要举行第5届冈瓦纳专题讨论会,不过看来对于冈瓦纳大陆的重建,仍然不会有满意的答案。Du Toit(1937)推测冈瓦纳大陆是由5个主要组成部分——非洲
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张震久教授在美国讲学期间,幸会美国汉学家、佛家诗译者比尔·波特(中文名:赤松)先生,就汉英互译的理论与实践进行了探讨。波特先生将其译作《石屋山居诗》(The Moun-tain P