The Susceptibilities of Oxya chinensis(Orthoptera:Acridoidea) to Malathion and Comparison of the Est

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ikyug
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The susceptibilities of Oxya chinensis to malathion were studied in three populations collected from outskirt of Tianjin,China,using bioassays and biochemical analysis.Populations were chosen to represent different exposure to insecticides:BDG(Beidagang;low exposure),BD(Baodi;high exposure previously but low exposure now),and JN(Jinnan;high exposure).The results showed that the LD50 values of BD and JN populations were 3.95- and 12.02-fold and 3.64- and 10.07- fold higher than that of BDG population in females and males,respectively.The LD50 values in females were higher than those in males.The results of biochemical analysis indicated that the esterase(EST) activities in JN population were higher than those in BD and BDG populations.They showed that when α-NA,α-NB,and β-NA were used as substrates,females’ EST activities of JN population were 1.11-,1.30-,and 1.14-fold and 1.39-,1.59-,and 1.54-fold higher than those of BD and BDG populations,respectively.When α-NA,α-NB,and β-NA were used as substrates,males’ EST activities of JN population were 1.13-,1.12-,and 1.00-fold and 1.20-,1.14-,and 1.07-fold higher than those of BD and BDG populations,respectively.The results also showed that the specific activities of the females were higher than those of the males in the BD and JN populations,whereas the specific activities of the males were higher than those of the females in the BDG population.The results of bioassay were consistent with those of biochemical analysis.Thus,it was inferred that the elevated ESTs activities might play an important role in conferring the differences of susceptibility of O.chinensis to malathion in the three collected populations.Enzyme kinetic studies indicated that the Km and Vmax values were different among the three collected populations and between the females and the males.The observed changes in the kinetic parameters might be explained by differential expression patterns of isozymes so that the insect esterases have different affinities and maximum velocities toward the same substrate. The susceptibilities of Oxya chinensis to malathion were studied in three populations collected from outskirt of Tianjin, China, using bioassays and biochemical analysis. Topologies were chosen to represent different exposure to insecticides: BDG (Beidagang; low exposure), BD (Baodi; high exposure previously but low exposure now), and JN (Jinnan; high exposure). The results showed that LD50 values ​​of BD and JN populations were 3.95- and 12.02-fold and 3.64- and 10.07-fold higher than that of BDG population in females and males, respectively.The LD50 values ​​in females were higher than those in males.The results of biochemical analysis indicated that the esterase (EST) activities in JN population were higher than those in BD and BDG populations.They showed that when α-NA , α-NB, and β-NA were used as substrates, females’ EST activities of JN population were 1.11-, 1.30-, and 1.14-fold and 1.39-, 1.59-, and 1.54-fold higher than those of BD and BDG populations, respectively.When α-NA, α-NB, and β-NA we re used as substrates, males’ EST activities of JN population were 1.13-, 1.12-, and 1.00-fold and 1.20-, 1.14-, and 1.07-fold higher than those of BD and BDG populations, respectively. the results also showed that that the specific activities of the females were higher than those of the males in the BD and JN populations, whereas the specific activities of the males were higher than those of the females in the BDG population. The results of bioassay were consistent with those of biochemical analysis .Thus, it was inferred that the elevated ESTs activities might play an important role in conferring the differences of susceptibility of O.chinensis to malathion in the three collected populations. Enzyme kinetic studies that that the Km and Vmax values ​​were different among the three collected populations and between the females and the males.The observed changes in the kinetic parameters might be explained by differential expression patterns of isozymes so that the insect esterases have different aff aff inities and maximum velocities toward the same substrate.
诗云:  山外有山天外天,  人间幸福不同观。  锦衣玉食土豪范,  不如绿树绕家园。  有人说,20世纪是冷战的时代,21世纪是人心险恶的时代。人们能看到,愤怒的情绪在不断升温。这里面有家庭情绪,有同事倾轧,有同学投毒,有网络恐吓,有霸权主义和流氓无赖国家,还有恐怖分子和邪教组织滥杀无辜。  同时,人们对于幸福感的渴望超过任何时代。因为感到身边的幸福越来越少,人们才觉得幸福越来越珍贵。全球都在不
1  傍晚回家,我看到留言机的灯亮着,就打开它:“我是盖尔,我找花朵(我女儿),詹姆斯忘了明天科学考试考什么,请花朵给我来个电话,要是能把她的科学课笔记传一份给我最好了,要是不方便,我就上门去取。”  花朵听完,叹口气说:“詹姆斯又这样。”拿笔记本去了。刚才留言的盖尔,是詹姆斯的妈,不是亲妈,是后妈。花朵给盖尔回电话,详细告知明天考试的内容。10分钟后,她挂断电话,复习功课去了。估计电话线那边,后
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