The world in a drop of water

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:summerquaner
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  A little drop of water asked the God for the real appearance on the earth. The God said: “My dear child, just go ahead and see. You will find the answer in your journey.”In a curious mood, the little drop began his trip.
  No sooner had he condensed in the sky than he saw the spotless sky. It was a lovely morning, and a few fleecy white clouds were slowly floating in the sky, The lovely white and soft clouds in various shapes attracted the drop. It reflected the pure scenery and murmured to himself: “This may be the true appearance on the earth. The world full of purity is really desirable.” Suddenly, it felt almost dried in the baking heat. The drop reflected a dazzling shine. It was the sun which was radiating light and heat. The drop said excitedly: “It must be the human world which was always full of light and hope!” After some time, his reflection appeared green. The drop looked around and found a sea of green trees. Forests and jungles had thick vegetation and various kinds of species like singing birds. The drop took in the fresh air and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. “May this the real appearance on the earth?”The drop whispered, caught in a puzzle.
  However, a sharp smell came all of a sudden. The drop looked at his gray reflections and got into a panic. “Where have I been?” the drop cried, soon became muddy. There was a factory whose chimneys were discharging smoke into the atmosphere. Trees on the hills nearby had all been cut down and pounds of polluted water was pouring into the river. People there were dragging their feet forward with masks on their faces. The sky above the factory had a poor visibility and was no longer clean. Little sunlight managed to shine through thick smoke. All the people below were living in an awful condition. “So that’s the human world I have been searching for such a long time. How could this be possible? Isn’t the human world is filled with purity, light and hope?”The drop jumped in the sea and got back to the heaven.
  “So my dear child, have you find your answer?”asked the God.
  “Maybe I’ve mistaken something. The human world isn’t as beautiful as I thought. It just the hell with wretched environment.”applied the drop.
  “You are partly true. At the very beginning, the human world is harmonious. But with the development of economy, the greedy people made everything different. They destroyed the environment and was finally punished. Now the human world is almost the same as hell.”said the God with a sigh.
  The world in the little drop of water is just a real reflection of our real world. We must reflect on our actions and learn how to live in harmony with the nature. No matter how wealthy you are, you have to breathe. To destroy the environment is to kill ourselves gradually. Please don’t make our tear to be the last drop of pure water in the world.
全英授课,是指以英语的语言方式进行课程的教学和实践的教学模式,教师在课堂上以英语为教学语言,以英文形式的作业和考试来衡量学生的成绩。其最突出的特点是完全以英语作为教学用语和师生互动工具,以英语的思维和逻辑习惯加深对专业知识的理解,并最终影响学生的思维方式和处理问题的方法。  随着中国国际化进程的加快和高考制度的改革,英语不仅仅是作为一门考试科目,它的实用性和工具性越来越突显出来,对英语学习的要求,
【Abstract】Mind map is the tool of converting abstract mind into concrete image. Students can understand and memorize business English vocabulary from horizontal and vertical angles with the aim of bre
【摘要】本文着手于目前幼儿英语教学现状,通过分析国内外浸入式外语教学案例,尝试在我市幼儿园运用半浸入式英语教学法,以期提高我市幼儿园幼儿英语教学水平,提升幼儿的双语表达能力。  【关键词】幼儿园 英语教学 半浸入式教学  随着我国对外开放步伐的加快,经济全球化的发展,对于新时代复合型人才、创新型双语人才的培养广泛受到教育界各个层面的关注,尤其是目前备受关注的幼儿英语教学。  一、赣州市幼儿英语教学
【摘要】如今青年教师已经成为教师队伍的重要组成部分,研究影响青年教师课堂教学管理效果的归因、探讨提高青年教师教学管理能力的途径,对提高教师整体素质、提高教学管理能力具有重要的意义。  【关键词】青年教师 课堂教学管理  有效的教学取决于有效的管理,有效的课堂教学管理是课堂教学得以顺利进行的前提。在我从事教育教学工作的三年中,我感受到很多青年教师较多的是关注教学方法的改进,他们的现代化教学手段很高,
【摘要】1.开展英语课外实践活动目的。2.英语课外实践活动的设计原则。3.丰富多彩的英语课外实践活动形式。4.开展丰富多彩的英语课外实践活动的意义和作用。  【关键词】兴趣性 知识性 切合实际 因材施教 丰富多彩的  一、开展英语课外实践活动目的  《国家英语课程标准》在实施建议中明确指出:根据学生的年龄特征和兴趣爱好,积极开展各种课外活动,有助学生于增长知识、开阔视野、发展智力和个性、展现才能。
课程改革作为一个系统工程,变革的范围涉及到课程目标、课程结构、课程内容和课程管理等多个领域。在基础教育范围内,英语课堂教学模式的探讨与研究,已经有很多涉及,但是在职业教育界,突出职业特色、彰显课堂高效的研究尝试并不是很多。因此,中职英语教师需要重新审视原有的教学方式和教学行为,积极探索教育理想与教育现实的平衡点,尝试适合英语教学实际的新型课堂教学模式。  一、调研探究,剖析面临问题  中等职业学校
【摘要】在学生的学习阶段,初中起着至关重要的作用,是学生打好基础的重要时期。对学生学习的兴趣培养,应该从初中入手,这样他们才能在以后的学习生涯中保持良好的学习习惯。深刻分析哪些因素制约了老师对学生英语兴趣的培养,以及如何提高学生对英语学习的兴趣,都应该引起我们的重视,本文将做简要的阐述。  【关键词】初中英语教学 学习兴趣 因素 措施  兴趣是最好的老师,不管是在初中、高中还是大学,只有学生对学习
【摘要】語料库在语言学的应用日益广泛,本文借助自建英语学习者语料库,以搭配理论为指导,以高等学校英语专业四级写作要求和英语国家语料库(BNC)提供的语料为参照,分析英语专业四级写作中搭配失误,并结合实例说明语料库与英语教学相结合的优势。  【关键词】语料库 专业四级写作 搭配  一、引言  英语专业四级考试(TEM4)中的写作部分是检测学生思想表达的重要部分,体现的是学生综合运用语言的能力。因为它