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读中学生的作文,我常获得惊奇、欣喜。我做中学生时绝写不出这样的文章。我想这与时代进步有关。这与地域也有关吗?怀着这一好奇,我读了这三篇台湾中学生作文。《忧伤的巨岩》(下简称《忧》)是一篇续写的短篇小说。不知道上海的语文教学中有没有这样的训练,而且是把向来被认为晦涩难懂的卡夫卡作品作为基础材料。这起码像一个智力游戏,考验的不仅是学生的阅读理解能力、小说结构能力,更是想象力和思想情感的容量。我以为《忧》文在这游戏中可以胜出。它从普罗米修斯的传奇中抓住“神和人”这一关系,引出“遗忘”的主题,虚构了一个因“不遗忘”而引起种种人间波澜的故事。它先铺展出一场高加索山下的人间争论,把各包人等对“神圣事件”的态度一一亮出,其中的宽容,事不关己的回避,出于自保的恐惧,正义而热血澎湃的言行,无不具有代表性和象征性,使得这篇小说更像是一个寓言。铺垫过后,最重要的人物爱姆在小说的后半部分才出现,叙述在这时放慢了速度,加强了细节,于是我们看到她在恐怖的情况下做出的勇敢选择,她登上禁山,怀着柔软的心,流出能化解千百年忧伤巨岩的跟泪。这一幕动人而且神奇,而作者的语言仍然是控制的,简洁的,一直持续到结尾,也把“神与人”的关系 Reading the composition of high school students, I often get surprises and joy. When I was a middle school student, I could never write such an article. I think this is related to the progress of the times. Is this also related to the region? With this curiosity, I read these three Taiwanese high school student compositions. “Sad Rock” (hereinafter referred to as “worry”) is a short story that continues to be written. I don’t know whether there is such training in the Chinese language teaching in Shanghai, and it is based on the Kafka artwork that has always been considered obscure. This is at least like an intellectual game. It tests not only students’ reading comprehension ability, novel structure ability, but also the capacity of imagination and thought emotion. I thought “Worry” could win in this game. It seized the relationship between “God and Man” from the legend of Prometheus, elicited the theme of “forgetting,” and fictionalized a story of human conflicts caused by “not forgetting.” It first displayed a human controversy in the foothills of the Caucasus, showing the attitudes of various packers and other people to the “sacred events”. Among them, tolerance, avoidance of self-defence, fear of self-protection, The words of righteous and bloody words are all representative and symbolic, making the novel more like an allegory. After laying the groundwork, the most important character, Aim, emerged in the latter part of the novel. The narrative slowed down and strengthened the details at this time. So we saw her brave choices made under terror. She was on the board. Forbidden mountains, with soft hearts, flow out of tears that can resolve thousands of years of sad rock. This scene is moving and magical, and the author’s language is still controlled and concise. It continues to the end, and it also puts the relationship between “God and Man”.
一本习题集中,见有这样一道选择题:如图一所示,分别沿 F_1、F_2、F_3的方向用力,当 G 静止时,则:(A)F_1>F_2>F_3(B)F_1F_3(B)F_1