Preparation of Heavyweight Ultra-high Performance Concrete Using Barite Sand and Titanium-rich Heavy

来源 :武汉理工大学学报(材料科学版)(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LAJIFIFI
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The heavyweight ultra-high performance concrete (HUHPC) was prepared with barite sand partially replaced by titanium-rich heavy slag sand (THS) at replacement proportion of 0%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100% in this work. The results show that THS incorporation can effectively improve the mechanical properties and reduce the volume shrinkage of HUHPC. The HUHPC with 50% THS replacement reaches an apparent density of 2890 kg/m3 (for fresh HUHPC), 28 d compressive strength of 129 MPa, 28 d flexural strength of 23 MPa, 28 d flexural toughness of 28.4, 56 d volume shrinkage of 359×10-4 and, as expected, excellent durability. Microstructural investigation demonstrates that the internal curing of pre-wetted THS promotes the hydration of the surrounding cement paste thereby strengthening the interfacial transition zone, resulting in the “hard shell” formation around aggregate to “protect” the aggregate. Additionally, the “pin structure” significantly improves the cement paste-aggregate interfacial connection. The combination of “hard shell protection” and “pin structure” remarkably improve the mechanical properties of HUHPC produced with porous THS aggregate.
针对传统衰减器体积大、反应时间长、可靠性差等问题,提出了一种基于氮化钽薄膜电阻的MEMS衰减器.根据π型衰减网路理论计算得到各个电阻的阻值,并计算各个电阻的仿真尺寸.利用HFSS 15.0电磁波仿真软件对衰减器结构进行仿真计算并优化.通过修改磁控溅射参数制备稳定的氮化钽薄膜电阻,在此基础上制作MEMS衰减器.采用矢量网络分析仪和探针台进行衰减器射频性能测试.测试结果表明,在0.1~20 GHz频率范围内,衰减器的回波损耗大于12.4 dB,插入损耗小于2.1 dB,衰减精度小于5 dB.衰减器整体尺寸为2
提出了一种具有动态参考功能的高灵敏度、超低功耗PWM比较电路.该电路采用动态参考和多路径正反馈动态比较器,使连续的输入信号比较后生成一串离散数字信号,逻辑处理后转成占空比变化的脉冲.基于65 nm CMOS工艺,在1.2V电源电压、200 MHz时钟频率下,对该电路进行了验证.结果 表明,该电路的整体延迟时间有所增加,平均电流为5.958 μA,分辨率为800μV.功耗仅8.1 μW,为传统静态PWM比较器的5.2%.
提出了一种数字恒定导通时间(COT)控制的DC-DC Buck变换器.通过跨导放大器、流控振荡器(CCO)和数字滤波器对电感电流进行采样,形成电流内环.在基于ADC、PI补偿器的电压外环输出信号上叠加由误差电流、CCO产生的斜坡补偿信号,最终形成双环控制的Buck变换器电路.提出的数字谷值电流模COT控制方法采用数字电流内环和额外的斜坡补偿方式,加快了电路的瞬态响应,同时保持了数字电源高输出精度的特性.该Buck变换器在输入电压5V、输出电压3.3V、开关频率1 MHz下进行了仿真验证.仿真结果表明,负载
In order to enlarge the size of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), two Cu36Zr48Al8Ag8 BMGs plates were successfully welded by friction stir welding (FSW) without obvious crystallization. The effect of friction stir welding on microstructure and mechanical prop
分析了助听器芯片中∑-△ADC的降采样滤波器、上采样滤波器的原理及实现技术.优化滤波器结构和滤波器系数,降低了芯片面积.采用可编程配置的滤波器系数,实现通带平坦度与过渡带带宽、采样率之间的动态切换.采用SMIC 130 nm 1P8M CMOS工艺进行了MPW流片验证.结果 表明,该滤波器可支持16 kHz、32 kHz采样率,满足不同采样率助听器DSP的需求.级联后滤波器的通带纹波为0.001 dB,阻带衰减达80 dB,群延时之和最大值为3.877 ms,满足助听器信号转换电路的要求.
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