目前,C620、C666车床、X53K 立铣、B665牛头创,Z35摇臂钻床等全切机床,多采用柱塞泵或齿轮泵进行压力循环润滑。单向阀是柱塞泵必不可少的部件,性能低劣的单向阀,时有发生断油或吸不上油的现象,影响机床正常运转,损坏机器零件。如采用齿轮泵作润滑油泵,又因齿轮泵压力较大,车头箱内回油较慢,往往容易造成车头箱内润滑油外溢,车头主轴向外甩油等严重漏油现象。
At present, C620, C666 lathe, X53K end milling, B665 Ngau Tau Chong, Z35 radial drilling machine and other full-cutting machine, and more use of piston pump or gear pump pressure cycle lubrication. One-way valve is an essential part of the plunger pump, poor performance of the one-way valve, sometimes there is off the oil or suction phenomenon, affecting the normal operation of machine tools, damage to machine parts. Such as the use of gear pumps for lubricating oil pump, and because of the gear pump pressure larger, the front of the tank back to the oil slowly, often easily lead to the front of the oil tank spill, the main spindle oil thrown out serious oil leakage phenomenon.