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“红眼病”患者——“只要你过得比我好”在职场里,经常会出现一些同事陷害同事的案例。在这些案例中,有相当一部分双方并不是冤家对头,没有十冤九仇,没有利害冲突,而且平时相处得还不错。只是当某一方或升职或发财比自己过得好时,另一方便“红眼病”发作妒火熊熊,妒到极处,便置法律道德于不顾,干出害人的 “Red Eye” patients - “As long as you fare better than I ” In the workplace, there are often some colleagues framed colleagues. In these cases, a considerable number of the two sides are not enemies, they have no injustice, they have no conflicts of interest, and they usually get along well with each other. Just when one party or promotion or fortune than oneself farewell, the other convenient “red eye disease ” attack jealous, jealous of the extreme, they set the legal ethics regardless of the victim
五针松疱锈病(Cronar tium ribicola J.C.Fischer.)侵害许多五针松和茶(?)子属(Ribes)的一些种。在春季和夏季,担子孢子入侵任何年龄的松针,产生菌丝向下生长通过松针的输导
梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)简称梨小,国外叫东方果蛾,是一种世界性的果树害虫。主要为害苹果、梨、桃、李、杏等,在四川为害较严重。长期依赖化学农药防治,会导
臭椿皮蛾[Eligma narcissus (Cramer)]是皮蛾属(Eligma)昆虫。Eligma属是Hubner 1827年建属。此属有人主张隶属于灯蛾科,后来有的将其归在夜蛾科。朱弘复、陈一心在1964年《
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