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我县在1985年5月全县范围内十五乡镇全面建立乡一级财政,为财政体制改革迈出了第一步。两年来的实践证明,建立乡财政后,有力地调动了各乡镇当家理财的积极性,对于正确处理好各方面的关系,有效地组织财政收入、合理安排财政支出,完成和超额完成财政收支任务,促进生产和乡镇各项事业的发展,都有着积极的作用。1985年十五个乡镇有十一个超额完成财政收入任务,1986年,十五个乡镇全部超额完成财政收入任务,超收的金额是1985年的二点八倍。增加了县和乡镇的机动财力。但是,由于乡财政建立不久,经验不足,乡财政预算管理还是很薄弱的,预算管理制度还不够健全,基础工作也不够牢固。必须进一步加强和不断完善,提高预算管理水平,更好地发挥乡财政在农村四化建设中的积极作用。一、认真编制和执行预算。正确处理好资金需要与财力可能的矛盾。处理好国家与集体经济、国家与农民之间的关系。 In May 1985, the county established fifteen townships and townships within the county-wide area to comprehensively establish township-level finance and took the first step towards the reform of the financial system. Practice over the past two years has proved that after the establishment of township finance, it has vigorously aroused the enthusiasm of every township to manage wealth. It has the following advantages in properly handling the relations among various parties, organizing the revenue revenue, arranging the financial expenditure reasonably, and completing and surpassing the financial revenues and expenditures , Promote the development of production and township undertakings, all have a positive effect. In 1985, 11 of the 15 townships surpassed the task of financial revenue. In 1986, all 15 towns and townships exceeded their financial revenue tasks in excess of the amount of 2.8 times that of 1985. Increased counties and towns of mobile financial resources. However, due to the lack of experience and the lack of experience in the establishment of township finance, the budget management of the township is still very weak. The budget management system is still not sound enough and the basic work is not solid enough. We must further strengthen and continuously improve, improve the level of budget management, and give full play to the positive role of township finance in the rural modernization. First, conscientiously prepare and implement the budget. Correctly handle the possible contradiction between capital needs and financial resources. Deal with the relations between the state and the collective economy and between the state and the peasants.
财政部于1986年11月24日发出《关于布置1986年预算外资金收支决算编报工作的通知》。现全文刊载如下: 1986年预算外资金收支决算编报工作即将开始。现将1986年预算外资金收
荐书:《给孩子的散文》  作者:老舍、沈从文等;编者:北岛、李坨  读书笔记:夏丽柠  作家汪曾祺说过:“如果一个国家的散文不兴旺,很难说这个国家的文学有了真正的兴旺。散文如同布帛麦菽,是不可须臾离开的。”北岛和李陀将这句话引用在了他们选编的《给孩子的散文》的序言里,用以强调散文在我们日常生活中的重要性。  古往今来,散文是最自由的文体。青少年的语文课上,记忆犹新的教诲便是“散文旨在形散而神不散”