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1936年10月,红军第二、第四方面军到达甘肃会宁,同第一方面军会师,伟大的长征胜利结束。红军会师后,主力向东转移。国民党军胡宗南第一军及第四十三、第九十七师分三路向东进红军进攻。红军为打破敌人的进攻,有利于抗日民族统一战线的建立,于门月ZI日集中红一方面军第一、第十五军团,第二十八军,第二方面军第二、六军团,第三十二军,第四方面军第四、第三十一军,对前进至山城堡之敌第一军第七十八师发起进攻,至22日9时,歼灭该师一个多旅,击溃一个旅,俘敌 600人,毙伤团长以下 600余人,缴枪 600余枝(挺),击落飞机一架。山城堡的胜利是红军三大主力团结战斗的结果,对促进逼蒋抗日方针的实现起了积极作用。今年是红军长征胜利和西安事变六十周年,今公布这组史料,对研究红军三大主力会师和西安事变前的军事形势,颇有参考价值。为保存资料原貌,文中对红军的诬蔑之词,本刊未作删改,均按原文公布,请读者加以鉴别。 In October 1936, the Second and Fourth Forces of the Red Army arrived in Huining, Gansu Province, where they joined forces with the First Front Army and the victory of the great Long March ended. After the division of the Red Army, the main shift eastward. Kuomintang army Hu Tsung-nan first army and the forty-third, ninety-seventh divisions into three routes to the East into the Red Army attack. To break the enemy’s offensive, the Red Army is conducive to the establishment of an anti-Japanese national united front. On the first day of the Militia’s ZI Day, the Red Army first, the fifteenth army, the twenty-eighth army, the second and sixth corps of the Second Front Army, Thirty Second Army, Fourth Faction Army Fourth, the thirty-first army, on the march to the Castle Fort enemy first army 78th Division attack, at 9:00 on the 22nd, annihilated the division more than brigade, defeated one Brigade and prisoners of war 600 people, more than 600 people killed and injured the head following the gun more than 600 branches (very), shot down a plane. The victory of the mountain castle was the result of the three main forces of the Red Army’s unity and fighting and played an active role in promoting the realization of the Chiang Kai-shek’s anti-Japanese policy. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the triumph of the Red Army and the Xi’an Incident. Now it is quite useful for us to study these historical materials and to study the military situation before the three main forces of the Red Army and the Xi’an Incident. To save the original appearance of the text of the Red Army’s slander words, this publication has not been censored, according to the original publication, please readers to be identified.
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中国医药科学讯 2016年12月22日至23日,北京市新闻出版广电行业领军人才培训班暨表彰会在京举行,北京市新闻出版广电局党组成员、副局长胡东出席会议并讲话,并为第三批北京市新