
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bn1984
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在新军事变革的历史条件下,基层民兵组织建设,特别是在经济落后的社区和村级民兵组织建设中,如何适应军事变革和国防后备力量建设的需要,怎样围绕小康目标,在推动“三个文明”建设协调发展中,提高自身建设水平,是基层武装工作者应思考的一个问题。一是牢固树立党管武装和人民战争的思想。加强基层民兵组织建设,必须坚持党管武装原则,必须以《宪法》、《国防法》、《兵役法》为依据,必须适应新军事变革形势和任务的需要,积极探索加强本级民兵组织建设的特点和规律,特别是要注意研究经济落后地区的社区和村级民兵组织建设的问题,从管理制度上保证基层党组织管人民武装工作的落实。 Under the historical conditions of the new military revolution, how to meet the needs of military transformation and the building of national defense reserve forces in the building of grassroots militias, especially in the construction of underdeveloped communities and village-level militia organizations? How to promote the “three One Civilization ”in the coordinated development of the construction and improve their own level of construction, is a question that should be considered by grass-roots armed workers. First, firmly establish the idea of ​​arming the armed forces and the people’s war. In order to strengthen the building of militia groups at the grassroots level, we must adhere to the principle of armed forces under the party’s control and must base ourselves on the “Constitution,” “National Defense Law,” and “Military Service Law.” We must adapt ourselves to the needs of the new military transformation and the tasks and actively explore ways to strengthen the militia at this level In particular, we should pay attention to the study of the construction of community and village-level militia groups in economically backward areas and ensure the implementation of the people’s armed forces work by grassroots party organizations from the management system.
<正> 朱东润主编的《中国历代文学作品选》简编本(下简称朱编)上册.《论语·子路曾哲冉有公西华侍坐章》,篇末一段的标点是: 曰:“夫子何哂由也?”曰:“为国以礼,其言不让,是
以前在彭州城里有个小混混,姓苟,叫什么名字没人知道。但提起“狗不理”的大号,知晓的人可就多了。这人游手好闲,好逸恶劳,干了不少坑骗的事,顶风能臭出二里地,谁见谁烦,谁见谁恨,连狗都不理他。  一天,他听说一个外地人在一件破衣服上写了“良心”二字,拿到周记当铺当了二十两银子,就想天下根本就不存在什么良心,那周掌柜真是个二百五,分明是白白送钱。外地人拿了银子肯定远走高飞了,不可能再回来赎回当物,那件破
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“十一”前夕,江苏省江都市人武部集中组织干部职工和民兵走上街头社区宣讲文明、维护治安、清除垃圾、整治环境,与地方干部群众一道共创文明城市,共建美好家园。 On the ev
这句话是人说的。  “每个人活着都不容易,要经历过多少事啊,能活到今天,确实不容易。”人自言自语地说。  虫子爬过人的身边,听到人说这话时,一阵冷笑。人真是太矫情了,一个生命来到世界上并生存下去,本来就非易事。人需要谁同情吗?真是可笑之极!  这只虫子来自非洲沙漠,天色未明它就从洞穴里爬出来,和同类一起,站到沙丘上列队,为的是迎接新鲜的红日。当太阳还没有升起的时候,总会有小风吹过来,在小虫的背甲上