The Rainbow Maker

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qdragon
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  The children stood under an archway (拱门). Behind them was the blue sky, in front of them the clear, still lake with a garden nearby; above their heads the leaves of a tree spoke in a low voice, telling strange stories to the light and pleasant wind.
  “Poor tree! It feels bad for the blossoms the wind has carried away,” they said to each other, and they looked back at the garden. “And, poor flowers, too,” they said, “all your bright colours are gone, and tomorrow they will be dead.” “Ah, no,” the flowers said, “the rainbow-maker will gather them up, and once more they will see the sun.” Before the children could answer, a tall fair lady came down the pathway. They could see her eyes were dim with gathering tears, but on her lips there was a smile that came and went round her mouth. All down her back hung her pale golden hair; round her neck was a kerchief of many colours; her dress was soft and white, and her snowy apron was gathered up in one hand. She looked neither to the right nor to the left. She did not say a single word; and the children could hear no sound of her footstep. She went slowly on by the side of the lake, far, far away across the meadows (草地) and up the farthest hill, until at last she found her home behind a cloud just opposite (與……相对) the sun. There she sat all through the summer days making rainbows. When the children had watched her for a long long time, they went softly back to their own home. The rainbowmaker had not even seen them.
  “Mother,” they said one day, “we know now where the colours go from the flowers. See, they are there,” and as they spoke they thought of the lady sitting silently at work in her cloud-home. They knew that she was weeping (哭泣) at sending forth her most beautiful one, and yet smiling as she watched the soft archway she had made. “See, they are all there, dear mother,” the children repeated, looking at the falling rain and the shining sun, and pointing to the rainbow over the river.
  1. What does the underlined word “still” mean in Chinese?
  2. Why did the children feel unhappy?
  3. Where was the lady’s home?
  4. What was the lady?
  2. Because the blossoms the wind has carried away./Because the bright colours are gone, and the flowers will be dead tomorrow.
  3. Behind a cloud just opposite the sun.
  4. She was a rainbowmaker.
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