Electric field tunable strong transverse light current from nanoparticles embedded in liquid crystal

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w7622420
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We present an exact solution to the problem of electromagnetic scattering by nanosphere clusters embedded in a liquid crystal cell, based on the Mie theory. The dependence of the scattering property on the structure parameters is investigated in detail. It is shown that strong transverse light currents at the optical frequency can be obtained from these complex structures. Furthermore, we find that sign reversal of the transverse light current can be realized by changing frequency and voltage. The physical origins of these phenomena have been analyzed. The transverse light current for subwavelength nanoscale dimensions is of practical significance. Thus, the application of these phenomena to optical devices is anticipated.
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讨论了基于量子关联的星间链路工作频段, 阐明了量子星间链路的体制优势。然后在现有星间链路研究的基础上, 推导了量子星间链路的关联度和信号损耗及制备增益间的关系。并讨论了量子星间链路的网络架构。
The world is now applying a number of new facilities, advanced computing, and scientific insights to explore a variety and depth of phenomena that do not occur naturally on Earth. High power and high intensity lasers, z-pinches, and ion beams allow for la
据堪萨斯州立大学物琿学副教授康潘(Α. Compann)说,对半导体晶格温度进行的直接测定表明,在脉冲激光退火过程中晶格的温升太低,因而不至于使材料溶化。在与鲁(H. W. Lo)一起进行的实验中,康潘测得,用焦耳/厘米2的488毫微米波长激光辐照时,硅晶体的温升仅为300 ℃,此值远高于此波长下的退火阈值。硅的熔点为1412 ℃。