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【生平】朱自清(1898年11月22日—1948年8月12日),原名自华,号秋实,字佩弦。现代著名作家、学者、民主战士。原籍浙江绍兴,生于江苏海州(今连云港市),后随祖父、父亲定居扬州。朱自清祖父朱则余,号菊坡,本姓余,因承继朱氏,遂改姓。为人谨慎,清光绪年间在江苏海州任承审官10多年。父亲名鸿钧,字小坡,娶妻周氏,是个读书人。光绪二十七年(1901年)朱鸿钧由海州赴扬州府属邵伯镇上任。两年后,全家迁移扬州城,从此定居扬州。朱自清妻子名陈竹隐,幼年在私塾读书,受中国传统文化的熏陶。 [Life] Zhu Ziqing (November 22, 1898 - August 12, 1948), formerly known as China, the number of autumn real, the word string. Modern famous writer, scholar, democratic warrior. Originally located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, was born in Jiangsu Haizhou (now Lianyungang City), followed by his grandfather, father settled in Yangzhou. Zhu Ziyu grandfather Zhu Zeyu, No. Jupo, the surname Yu, inherited from Zhu, then surname. Be cautious, Qing Emperor Guangxu years Chengjiang Procurator in Jiangsu Haizhou more than 10 years. His father, Hongjun, Xiaopo, wife Zhou, is a scholar. Twenty-seven years Guangxu (1901) Zhu Hongjun from Haizhou to Yangzhou Prefecture Shaobozhen took office. Two years later, the whole family moved to Yangzhou City and settled in Yangzhou. Zhu Ziqing Chen Zhuyin his wife’s name, his childhood in private school, influenced by Chinese traditional culture.
氧化铁粉尘对工人的危害已引起国内外的重视,但尸检病理材料报道极少,现将我院20年收集的11例接触氧化铁粉尘尸检肺组织病理分析报道如下. Iron oxide dust on the hazards