Influence of High Temperature Stress on Net Photosynthesis, Dry Matter Partitioning and Rice Grain Y

来源 :农业科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq709532845
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Climate change is recognized to increase the frequency and severity of extreme temperature events. At flowering and grain filling stages, risk of high temperature stress (HTS) on rice might increase, and lead to declining grain yields. A regulated cabinet experiment was carried out to investigate effects of high temperature stress on rice growth at flowering and grain-filling stages. Results showed that no obvious decrease pattern in net photosynthesis appeared along with the temperature rising, but the dry matter allocation in leaf, leaf sheath, culm, and panicle all changed. Dry weight of panicle decreased, and ratio of straw to total above ground crop dry weight increased 6-34%from CK, which might have great effects on carbon cycling and green house gas emission. Grain yield decreased significantly across all treatments on average from 15 to 73%. Occurrence of HTS at flowering stage showed more serious influence on grain yield than at grain filling stage. High temperature stress showed negative effects on harvest index. It might be helpful to provide valuable information for crop simulation models to capture the effects of high temperature stress on rice, and evaluate the high temperature risk.
目的 预防缺碘性甲状腺肿,监测:以GB 5461-2000为评价指标在全县进行抽样调查.方法 食盐加碘是预防碘缺乏病的首选方法,还有碘化面包、碘化水多食海带、海鱼等.结果 甲状腺肿
纹理分析是计算机视觉与模式识别领域的一个重点和难点问题.本文提出一种分割彩色纹理图像的多通道统计地形特征方法.该算法将彩色图像映射至 HSI 色彩空间,并通过等角映射方法转化为若干幅伪灰度图像.将待分纹理区域构造成三维空间中的地形,用一系列可变水平面簇切割该地形曲面后,通过多类统计量提取切割所得两类实体的几何信息用以描述纹理,并使用基于 Mahalanobis 距离的监督似然估计方法分割给定的纹理
The dominant genic male sterility (DGMS) gene CDMs399-3 derived from a spontaneous mutation in the line 79-399-3 of spring cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capit