
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimgreen22
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我是一名普通的小学语文教师。十几年来,一直做班主任工作。我所教的学生从一年级起开始写日记,无论工作多么繁忙,我都坚持用日记同学生对话、沟通、交流。对于学生来说,他们用日记倾拆心灵的故事;对于教师来说,我们可以通过日记,全面倾听学生的心声。日记成为沟通教师与学生心灵的桥梁。学生日记的内容大致可分为三大类:一、反映学校生活的日记;二、反映家庭生活的日记;三、反映社会活动的日记。这三类日记中,反映学校生活和家庭生活的日记所占的比例较大。教师通过阅读学生的日记可以对学生进 I am an ordinary elementary school language teacher. For more than ten years, she has been working as a head teacher. The students I teach began to write diaries from the first grade. No matter how busy my work is, I insist on using diaries to talk, communicate, and communicate with students. For students, they use the diary to pour out the story of the soul; for teachers, we can listen to the students’ voices through the diary. The diary has become a bridge between teachers and students’ hearts. The contents of a student diary can be roughly divided into three categories: a diary that reflects school life; a diary that reflects family life; and a diary that reflects social activities. Of these three types of diaries, the proportion of diaries that reflect school life and family life is relatively large. Teachers can enter students by reading student’s diary
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