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“同行是冤家”,一些精明的企业家却反其道而行之,变“冤家”为“亲家”,与自己的竞争对手携起手来共同参与市场竞争,双双步入了辉煌境地。试看二例: 1984年,广东顺德乐从镇出现了第一台手工制做的热水器,名叫“神州”。1988年,“神州”已初具规模,在相距才几十里的地方,一座投资近亿元、引进发达国家先进生产线的“万家乐”热水器出现了。两个热水器开始了马拉松似的商业竞争。后来,两家携手打出了联袂广告:“神州”的广告口号为“款款神州,万家追求”,而“万家乐”的口号为“万家乐崛起于神州”。这两家竞争厂商的广告口号中都包含了双方的产品品牌,这样无论其中哪一家作广告,扬名获利的都必定是双方。结果,这两个乡镇企业双双跻身于全国500家最大工业企业行列。 北京市中南机电设备有限公司是以生产“中南”牌抽油烟机为主的高技术企业。其产品在北京市场占有率高达50%以上。最近,该公司营销又出新招:把杭州老板集团这一对手请进北京。变对手为市场伙伴。杭州老板集团是当今中国抽油烟机行业产销量居首位的龙头企业,把对手请进北京,会不会挤掉中南公司在北京市场的份额? 笔者以为,这种担忧纯属多余,因为该公司这一新招,产 “Peer is a family”, some astute entrepreneurs act in the opposite direction, change their “home” to “close family”, and join hands with their competitors to participate in the market competition, and both have entered a glorious situation. Let’s look at two cases: In 1984, the first hand-made water heater appeared in Lecong Town, Shunde, Guangdong Province, and was named “Shenzhou”. In 1988, Shenzhou had begun to take shape. Within a few tens of miles away, a Wanjiale water heater with an investment of nearly 100 million yuan and advanced production lines from developed countries emerged. Two water heaters began a marathon-like business competition. Later, the two joined hands to create a joint advertisement: “Shenzhou” advertising slogan for “China’s pursuit of money,” and “Wanjiale” slogan for “Macro rise in China.” The advertising slogans of these two competitors all contain the product brands of both parties. Therefore, no matter which of them advertises, it must be both sides to make a profit. As a result, these two township enterprises are among the 500 largest industrial enterprises in the country. Beijing Zhongnan Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of “South China” brand range hoods. Its products have a market share of more than 50% in the Beijing market. Recently, the company’s marketing has made a new move: to invite the Hangzhou boss group opponent to Beijing. Change opponents to market partners. The Hangzhou Boss Group is currently the leading company in the production and sales volume of China’s range hood industry. If you invite your opponent to Beijing, will you squeeze out Zhongnan’s share of the Beijing market? The author believes that this worry is purely redundant. The company’s new move, production
1996年2月,日本经济新闻社公布了“优良企业”调查结果,在1700家企业中,夺魁的竟然是一家鲜为人知的企业——罗姆公司(ROHM)。(见1996年8月7日《参考消息》)。 日本经济新闻
柘树根水提液经3250树脂处理获得的二组黄酮组分1、组分2,分别加入人胃癌细胞NKM进行体外培养同位素标记实验,结果表明:柘树黄酮对NKM的大分子合成有显著的影响。 The two groups of flavon