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11月的青岛,大多数日子依然秋高气爽、阳光明媚。大多数人也像往常一样,周末逛街、购物,置办自己需要的商品。没有人意识到,商界可能正面临一场危机,一场渐渐逼近但被许多人认为是危言耸听的危机。12月11日,中国零售业将全面开放。从这一天开始,外资零售商在内地开店将没有股权比例、开店数量与开店区域的限制。这意味着什么?意味着我国内地零售业3年保护期的结束;意味着外资零售业将进一步发挥其全球连锁的优势;也意味着我国零售企业将从有保护的竞争阶段走向全面竞争时代,国内商业的竞争将更加激烈和残酷。但面对这一重大政策转变,青岛商业的反应却显得有些平淡。“在青岛,根本不存在开闸待入局面。零售业早已提前全面开放”——几位企业家分别对《招商周刊》表达了上述看法。“‘狼来了’喊得太久,已没有什么好怕。在青岛,商界对外资零售业的竞争已经习惯了。”一位内资商业巨头坦言。事实果真如此吗?所谓的青岛零售业危机真的是危言耸听吗? Qingdao in November, most days are still cool and sunny. Most people, as usual, go shopping, buying goods they need on weekends. No one realizes that the business world may be facing a crisis, a crisis that gradually approaches but is considered by many to be alarmist. December 11, China’s retail industry will be fully open. Starting from this day, foreign retailers in the Mainland will not have a stake in the proportion of stores, shop openings and the number of restrictions. What does this mean? This means that the end of the three-year retail term for the mainland retail industry in China means that foreign-funded retail businesses will further take advantage of their global presence. It also means that our retail enterprises will move from a competitive stage of competition to an era of full competition. Domestic business competition will be more intense and cruel. However, in the face of this major policy shift, the reaction of Qingdao’s commercial sector has become somewhat dull. “In Qingdao, there is no gate to stay in. Retail has long been fully liberalized ” - Several entrepreneurs respectively, “China Merchants Weekly” expressed the above views. “There is nothing to be scared of by the cry of the wolf, and in Qingdao, competition from foreign-funded retailers in the business community has become accustomed to it.” A domestic commercial giant admitted frankly. Is it really so? The so-called Qingdao retail crisis is really alarmist it?
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