一、課題的提出 1958年以前关于小麦密植研究的主要結論是:(一)适当增加播种量,从而达到增加單位面积內的穗数,是密植增产的主要內容;(二)窄行匀播是最好的密植方式,且有行距愈窄,增产效果愈高的趋势;(三)北部冬麦区中上等肥力的灌溉地(亩产五、六百斤左右),以亩播18—20斤种子(約合26—30万粒左右)为宜,瘦地、早地应酌减。1958年农业生产大跃进,明确了密植是农业增产的中心,在以深耕为基础,水肥为前提的丰产栽培条件下,要求进一步确定合理密植的幅度,适宜的播种方式,以及获得穗多、穗大、粒多、粒飽的
First, the subject proposed before 1958 The main conclusions of the study on the close planting of wheat are: (a) the appropriate increase in seeding, thereby increasing the number of spikes per unit area, is the main content of close planting; (B) The best way to close planting, and the narrower the line spacing, the higher the yield effect; (three) the northern part of the winter wheat region in the upper fertility of irrigated land (mu five or six hundred jin), to sow 18-20 Kind of seed (about 26-30 million or so) is appropriate, thin, early should be reduced. In 1958, the great leap forward in agricultural production made it clear that close planting was the center of agricultural production increase. Under the conditions of high yield cultivation based on deep plowing and water and fertilizers, it is required to further determine the reasonable planting density and appropriate sowing methods, Large, grain, full grain