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1938年春,母亲康美云带着不到5岁的我从家乡晋西北柳林县到延安去寻找父亲王达成。然而此前由于土地革命战争时期,苏区与白区无法取得联系,所以待我们见面时,父亲已在延安组建了新家庭。在王若飞伯伯的关怀下,母亲被安排到女大学习,周末、寒暑假到王若飞爱人李培之妈妈家指导陕北姑娘带孩子,并帮忙缝缝补补。过了几年,在李妈妈等好心人的开导下,母亲逐渐摆脱思想上的痛苦,后经人介绍认识了当时在中央办公厅秘书处文书科工作的王仲珊伯伯,与他交往了近一年,并于1942年秋组建了新的家庭。之后,母亲即被调到该科工作。那几年每逢周末、寒暑假,我都跟着母亲到王若飞伯伯与李培之妈妈家中小住,后来就跟母亲和继父一起住在文书科隔壁的家中。由于在杨家岭生活过四五年,因而我有幸见证过当时的一些情况。 In the spring of 1938, my mother, Kang Meiyun, took me less than 5 years old and went to Yan’an from Liulin County, the capital of northwest Shanxi Province, to find his father Wang Daocheng. However, since the Soviet Union had no contact with the White Zone during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, his father had set up a new family in Yan’an when we met. In the care of Wang Ruofei uncle, the mother was arranged to the female university, weekends, summer and winter holidays to Wang Ruofei Li Pei mother’s home to guide girls in northern Shaanxi with children, and to help sew up. A few years later, under the enlightenment of mother Lee and other kind-hearted people, her mother gradually got rid of her mental suffering. After introducing and interviewing Wang Zhongsan uncle who was working in the clerical section of the Central Secretariat at the time, he had been in contact with him for nearly a year , And in the autumn of 1942 formed a new family. After that, her mother was transferred to the section. During the past few years, on weekends, summer and winter vacations, I followed my mother to Wang Ruofei and Li Pei’s mother in a small house, and later, just with my mother and stepfather living in the home of the Division next door. Since I lived in Yangjialing for four or five years, I was fortunate to witness some of the circumstances at that time.
小麦赤霉病(Wheat head scab)是全球小麦生产上的主要病害之一,可引发严重的产量损失,同时降低小麦的品质。小麦赤霉病的发生和流行与气象条件、菌源数量、寄主抗病性及生育时
通过常规微生物形态学观察和生理生化特性鉴定,结果表明菌株C和L-3在分类学上均属于地衣芽孢杆菌。经对两菌株摇瓶发酵液抑菌活性初步测定,表明其对玉米小斑病菌(Bipolaris ma