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  If you’ve got the looks, the talent, and the Mandarin, forget Hollywood—the Chinese entertainment industry wants you.
  And even if you’re a foreigner in China who doesn’t have any of those things, don’t worry. You’ve got a 1)decent chance of getting on television, anyway.

  In cities nationwide, recruiters are 2)prowling university campuses and 3)expatriate 4)hangouts in search of aspiring variety show performers, game show contestants, and film 5)extras.
  6)Pretty much any kind of foreigner would do, with one exception: “They definitely prefer people that don’t look Asian,” says American expatriate Ben Ross.
  Westerners are 7)cropping up on all kinds of television shows—8)literally 9)plucked from the street. Some foreign entertainers see their moment as an opportunity to help Chinese people better understand the West; but their Chinese audience is just as interested in how the outside world views the rapid economic advances of their homeland.
  “We like watching these shows because they have fo-reigners speaking Chinese,” says Beijing retiree Wu Yu-qing. “They show us that the world is getting smaller.”
  And China’s television and movie producers are eager to cater to this desire. “They want to know what foreigners think of China, and how they view our culture.” says Beijing casting agent Li Erwei.
  Television producers would offer anywhere between 400 and 1,000 RMB per episode. But for some Western actors, money is not the only motivation. “A lot of these shows I would have done for free, just to have fun,” says Wily Boyle, a Canadian, who appeared in some shows.

  For a select group of foreign professionals, however, Chinese television is serious business.
  The pioneer in this field was Canadian Mark Rowswell—better known as Da Shan, or Big Mountain—whose 10)pitch-perfect Mandarin and comedic skill 11)catapulted him to national celebrity in the late 1980s.
  Since then, several successors have emerged on the talk show 12)circuit. Frenchman Julien Gaudefroy, whose unaccented Chinese got him his first 13)gig in an instructional language video, now hosts several talk shows across China.
  Mr. Gaudefroy’s programs, which include Fo-reigners’ Viewpoints and Foreigners Watching China, feature guests 14)opining on topics ranging from China’s one-child policy to the 15)relative merits of traditional Tang Dynasty clothing.
  Richard Doran, a professional radio host in China and an occasional guest on Gaudefroy’s programs, remains skeptical that such shows are actually improving mutual understanding.
  “They still ask if we know how to use chopsticks,” he says. “Can you imagine an European television station putting a Pakistani immigrant family on television and asking if they’d learned to use a knife and fork yet?”

  Regardless of the content, a host’s foreignness can be enough of a draw in itself.
  “Foreign hosts who speak Chinese have a special appeal for Chinese audiences,” says a director for the state-owned China Central Television. “When Chinese people see a foreigner who speaks good Chinese and has gotten to know Chinese culture well, we get a very warm feeling, seeing that someone respects China so much.”
  The film world is somewhat less welcoming. Westerners interested primarily in acting work face all sorts of special challenges, 16)not least of which is the expectation of fluent Mandarin.
  To make matters worse, Westerners in China simply don’t have that many parts available to them. And the roles they do get often reflect 17) hackneyed stereotypes.
  “People, in general, have some strange ideas about America,” says Jonathan Kos-Read, one of the few full-time Western actors in China. “For instance, Americans don’t love their parents and 18)vice versa. Or, if you walk out of your front door [in the US], 9 times out of 10, you’ll see a huge gun battle. That kind of thing…”
  Mr. Kos-Read, who trained at the 19)New York University Film School, often plays “a rich American businessman who comes to China and falls in love with a Chinese girl. She’s torn for 10 episodes or so, but in the end, she always makes the right choice and sticks with her Chinese boyfriend.”

  American actress Kerry Berry Brogan, who had extensive acting experience before coming to China, sees it as her responsibility to give Chinese audiences a more balanced view of fo-reigners. “I’m trying to make the 20)depiction of foreigners more real, more dynamic, more 21)three-dimensional. ... If there’s something wrong, I let the director know,” she says. “I would say, 70 percent of the time they listen.”
  Ms. Brogan, Kos-Read, and other Western actors in China often find themselves in the role of cultural ambassador, helping directors, 22)screenwriters, and audiences come to a fuller understanding of Westerners in general. Kos-Read says, their efforts are paying off. “It’s getting better fast. The scripts are improving.”
  Unfortunately for Western newcomers, the acting 23)scene is becoming more competitive. The growing population of fo-reigners in China has professionalized the film industry, creating higher entry barriers for anyone without formal training.
  And for those aspiring television celebrities and planning to sign up for Mandarin classes, you’d better hurry. Maybe in 50 years, there will be 100,000 foreigners speaking such excellent Chinese...they won’t be that interesting anymore.

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