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新疆地矿局第一地质大队地处吐鲁番火焰山下,现有职工1600多人,是全国屈指可数的矿业开发地质队之一。建队40年来,大队先后参加了四川攀枝花宝鼎煤田会战、云南新平红山特大型铜铁矿会战和新疆东疆富铁矿会战的洗礼。但无论走到哪里,大队党委都坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针,用强有力的思想政治工作凝聚队伍,振奋精神,推动企业不断发展壮大。他们先后获得国家功勋地质队、全国黄金工业先进集体、全国思想政治工作优秀企业、自治区级文明单位等省以上荣誉48项,涌现出了全国先进生产者一大批先进典型。坚持用思想政治工作锻造企业精神地质队长年驻扎荒郊野外、深山老林、戈壁荒漠,工作生活条件十分艰苦。但他们的思想政治工作始终把“以艰苦奋斗为荣,以找矿立功为荣,以献身地质事业为荣”的精神作为主线,打造“特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能奉献、特别能出成果”的地质队伍。长年累月在野外工作,一直面临着三个问题:一是自然环境非常恶劣。火焰山下的戈壁滩,寸草不生,夏天地表温度达摄氏70度,把鸡蛋埋在沙子里一会儿就能“煮”熟。伊犁地区的阿希山,六月飞雪,十月冰封,空气稀薄,高寒缺氧,职工们常年离不开棉衣。克拉玛依白碱滩,气候干 Xinjiang Geological and Mineral Resources Bureau is located in the first geological brigade under the Flames Mountain Turpan, more than 1,600 employees, is one of the country’s mining development geological team. In the 40 years since its founding, the brigade has participated in the battles of Baoding Coalfield in Panzhihua, Sichuan, the extra-large copper-iron mine battle in Xinping-Hongshan, Yunnan and the battle of iron ore in Dongjiang, Xinjiang. However, wherever they go, the party committees in the brigade uphold the principle of “using both hands and both hands hard” and use powerful ideological and political work to unite the team, boost their spirits and promote their continuous growth. They have won 48 honorary honors such as the national meritorious geological team, the national advanced group of gold industry, the excellent enterprise of national ideological and political work, and the autonomous region-level civilized units, showing a large number of advanced models of the advanced producers in the country. Insist on forging the spirit of enterprise with ideological and political work Geological team stationed in the wilderness for many years, mountains and valleys, Gobi Desert, working and living conditions are very difficult. However, their ideological and political work has always been based on the principle of “being proud of hard work, pride in exploiting the mine and taking pride in their dedication to the cause of geology” as their main line of endeavor to create “special work-endurance, special fighting and special dedication , In particular, be able to produce results ”geological team. For many years working in the field has been facing three problems: First, the natural environment is very poor. Gobi Desert under the flames of the mountains, not grass, the summer surface temperature of 70 degrees Celsius, the eggs will be buried in the sand for a while can “cooked ” cooked. Aki mountain in Ili, snow blizzard in June, frozen in October, the air thin, cold hypoxia, workers all year round inseparable from the coat. Karamay white alkaline beach, climate dry
摘 要:心理学对班级工作的重要性在教师的工作实践中得到证实,而如何运用心理学的方法激发学生的内在潜力,形成整体向上、充满正能量的班级氛围值得探讨,尤其是班级管理中较为有效的那些“心的瞬间”。  关键词:教育;从心出发;安心  著名的教育心理学家罗森塔尔曾经说过:“一个好的班主任,应该是一个出色的心理学家。”的确,班主任工作是需要艺术的,而且需要的是心的艺术。  一、安心  班主任工作中总是强调班集
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AIM:To assess the expression of cydooxygenase-2(COX-2),nitric oxide synthase(iNOS),p53 and Ki-67 in gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue(MALT)lymnphoma an