
来源 :冶金政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WatsonWen
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1、回顾历史,发扬传统,是塑造全员形象的基础。 塑造职工形象既是时代的客观要求,也是渐进积累的历史过程。建厂30年来,轧二人在创造物质财富的同时,形成了自己的优良传统和作风,凝聚出“团结进取拼搏干,开拓创新争第一”的企业精神,企业的优良传统是塑造轧二人现代形象的历史依据所在。我们在开展塑造形象活动中,把优良传统的延续做为塑造形象的根基,采取了举办厂史回顾展,优良传统报告会,职工座谈会、演讲会的形式,挖掘和提炼体现出轧二精神的形象闪光点,重温艰苦创业,勤俭治厂的优良传统,总结出建厂初期艰苦奋斗,自力更生的创业者形象,发展振兴阶段的大胆实践,锐意进取的开拓者形象。企业优良传统形象的回顾,在职工中引起强烈的共鸣,从而为继承传统塑造新时代轧二人的群体形象奠定了坚实的基础。 1, Reviewing history and promoting tradition are the foundations for shaping the image of all employees. Shaping the image of employees is not only an objective requirement of the times, but also a gradual process of historical accumulation. In the 30 years since the founding of the factory, the two people have formed their own fine traditions and styles while creating material wealth. They have united the entrepreneurial spirit of “striving for unity and striving for pioneers and pioneering and innovating for the first place”, and the fine tradition of the enterprise is to shape the two The historical basis of the modern image of people. In carrying out the image-shaping activities, we took the continuation of fine traditions as the foundation for shaping the image. We took the form of holding retrospectives of plant history, excellent traditions, symposiums and lectures, mining and refining the spirit of the Second Rolling Stone Revisit the fine tradition of arduous pioneering and diligence and plant management, summarize the entrepreneurial image of arduous struggle and self-reliance in the initial stage of establishing a factory, bold practice in the development and rejuvenation stage, and the pioneer image of forging ahead. The review of the fine traditional image of enterprises has aroused strong resonance among the staff and laid a solid foundation for inheriting the group image that has traditionally shaped the new era.
对于理想国度,先贤托马斯·莫尔曾这样描述:那里城市整洁,社会秩序井然,特别是人民性情温和,聪明伶俐,自由不拘。每当必要,他们都耐心参加体力劳动,对于从事智力探讨,也从不知疲倦。这个名为乌托邦的社会,凝聚着人类一切美好愿景的空想,是天堂的影子映入先贤心头后绽放出的奇葩。  乌托邦虽好,终究源自现实中的社会制度,所以其中的民众也不能衣来伸手饭来张口,仍需好好劳动。劳动或工作,是人类在社会上安身立命之本
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数学开放题,因其具有较广阔的思维拓展空间而区别于传统的数学问题,近年来在我国的高考、中考中频频出现,因而受到越来越多的数学教育工作者的重视. The open problem of ma